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Yulegoat said:
Kwaad said:

are likely holding metroid prime 3 back so they can have 2 AAA for the holiday, because the 360 and PS3 both are gonna have 3+ AAA titles for the holidays.

What are the 3+ AAA titles for PS3 and 360 in holiday season? Are they first/second party exclusives like Wii's? Are they the mysterious "complex" games you have been talking about?

EDIT: you still haven't explained what you mean with complex. First you said you want games that need thinking. Why not play chess games? I'm 100% sure they will have enough challenge for your brains. Then you said you want enhanced interaction with the environment, but didn't say what exactly are the games that feature this enhancement. Your last straw was to just define complexity by saying Motorstorm is complex, Nintendo's games are not, but that still doesn't answer what you mean by complexity. Are explosions and destructible cars complexity? Is versatile selection of vehicles complexity?

I think your explanations eventually boil down to polygons, textures and resolution, which are a poor measurement of complexity imo.

 Destructable cars? Depends on how it works. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Versatile selection of diffrent vehicles? Yes that is complexity. If there are 4 vehicles that are totally diffrent, wich vehicle to use, is more up to you, than what vehicle is best. They all can do the race in the same time. It's just you might be better with one than the other. That is complexity. Wich vehicle do I pick, which vehicle am I racing agianst? How will this effect me? How many people are there to take me off my lines? 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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"i have over 100 PC games at my mothers"

lets be honest, you're the kind of geek who probably still lives at home in your parents basement. 

to get to your "point" the wii isnt going to destroy the video game business, its making it larger.  The same people such as yourself will still be interested in what you call complex games so those games will continue to be made

Kwaad said:

Versatile selection of diffrent vehicles? Yes that is complexity. If there are 4 vehicles that are totally diffrent, wich vehicle to use, is more up to you, than what vehicle is best. They all can do the race in the same time. It's just you might be better with one than the other. That is complexity. Wich vehicle do I pick, which vehicle am I racing agianst? How will this effect me? How many people are there to take me off my lines?

that disappoints me.  i thought you had more sophisticated things in mind.  never mind.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Motorstorm isn't an AAA title, or anything to hang your hat on, really. It reminds me of a game like Jet-Moto or something. Amusing, but meh, I can go without it.

albionus said:
Strife said:
IMHO, The Wii is several steps backwards in gaming. I don't want a cheap system with hundreds of boring second/third party games (with a handful of great first party games), I want a powerhouse system with a wide variety of killer-aps. The Wii is cute, but not respectable. I agree with you Kwaad, albiet not in the same eloquent manner you seem to express yourself in. ;p

Oh yeah I did have an actual point here. If you don't like the Wii, ummm, don't buy it. Since when has this become so difficult to comprehend? At any rate, all I hear from Sony fanboys is that the PS3 is going to romp the Wii in the end so what are you, Kwaad, and especially Hus (judging by the increasingly crazed desperate tone of his posts) so worried about?


I said "IMHO" because that is my opinion, and a few posts down, I even admitted that I would be eventually buy a Wii for those "handful of great games" I mentioned. Everything I've said was clearly detailing my personal opinion, with no hostility intended, so I'd appreciate it if you could forgo the smug comments. I'm really not worried about the PS3 at all; even if it doesn't domiate this generation like the PS2 did, I'm sure it will deliver all the killer-aps I'm so fond of. The Wii is nice, but I just don't think it's the high commodity that alot of other people seem to.

When I was talking about wanting a "powerhouse" system, I meant from next-gen.  I really don't see the need to buy ANY of the three systems as of right now as none of them really have any RPGs I can sink my teeth into (that I know of).  That being said, I'm still wholeheartedly enjoying my PS2.

Oh, and please don't go into threads responding "if you don't like it don't buy it". That's virtually the most useless comment you can add to a topic like this (outside of Hus' stuff).

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FishyJoe said:
Cursayer said:
Don't mind Kwaad and Hus, they're just angry because they can't think of any logical reasons and because Sony is getting pwnt.

Yeah, I was going to respond but there is no point. If they want to live in their fantasy world, who am I to bring them reality?

Dont lump them together like that hahaha. Kwaad is bad, but he is nowhere near flat out IGNORE material like Hus is. Kwaad will bring logic into his side of debate gladly, even if you dont agree with it. He is a much better poster, despite how controversial he is.

Why cant nin fan boys accept the simple fact Nin makes kiddy games ?

Hus, why can't you accept the fact that your opinion is one of over 6 billion, yet no more important than any of those other opinions?

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

Dear Chad Warden EEEEEERRRR I mean Hus, What does that have to do with anything? If you don't like the Wii then fine, stick to your PS-Triple EEEEEEEERRRRR I mean the PS3. There's no need for general statements like that. It contributes nothing to the conversation. -- that guy

vulturesquadron said:

"i have over 100 PC games at my mothers"

lets be honest, you're the kind of geek who probably still lives at home in your parents basement.

to get to your "point" the wii isnt going to destroy the video game business, its making it larger. The same people such as yourself will still be interested in what you call complex games so those games will continue to be made

 If I live in my parents basement, they have a tunnel that spans 200+ miles, thus being the longest tunnel in the world...

Oh wait. I live 200 miles away, and I'm not a billionaire... so I dont have a tunnel connecting my house to theirs. Did I mention *my* house? Ya'know. Not a rental? One that I own, and I can sell? 200 miles away from my mom.

and PS. I lived in the attic. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!