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Forums - Sony Discussion - The winner for hardware revenue in December is.....Sony

Parokki said:
Griffin said:
thetonestarr, thx for those numbers, it just shows that the PS console family is still selling more software then any other company.

Plus you can't blame the Nintendo fans, they got their asses spanked in the market for 2 generations. During those two generations Sony sold more home consoles then the entire Nintendo home console market ever.

Is this enough of a reason to ban this clown? 


Pretty pretty please? 

Only if you also ban those that still claim there are no games for the PS3, or compare it to a grill...


It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

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@Thetonestarr: Well, if we count all the bundled software out, even the VGC numbers may show that PS2 not bundled software outsold other consoles not bundled software (although i'm not sure how much bundled software sells with PS2).
If they look at not bundled software for all platforms, it's ok, if they look at it from the revenue perspective, since the bundled softwares revenue is included in hardware revenue.

And were those the worldwide numbers? And where did you take the numbers from (besides the VGC numbers)? I'm on my mobile, so i can't look PDF documents etc.

@Griffin: Thank you for pointing the obvious.

@Gazz: Why do you assume PSP makes profit? And besides, by using your numbers, it's still 95 in the red.
It's not that simple anyway, you need to count in the costs of games in development too. Or should i say the running costs for games (and other features).
PS2 won't help for long anymore, even that it had great sales in december, the platform is dying away. And PSP, if its software sales start to raise (with 3rd parties slowly leaving, i wouldn't take it granted), it's not going to help too much either.
Kazuo Hirai is trying to get PS3 to make profit in FY 09, and he isn't sure if it's possible, should tell you how fast Sony can drop the costs of PS3. Or at least drop costs, while they drop the price.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Gazz said:

1: Why does everyone automaticly assume that the losses on the PS3 can't be compensated by profits on the PSP and PS2? Everyone immediatly states that Sony must lose hundreds on every PS3 sold although there have been many advances in producing the PS3 in a way more price effective way.

2: Edit: can we ban Parokki for insulting people with a different opinion and having the guts to even get them banned for it? I am not seriously trying to get him banned, just kicking him in the nuts. He should respect people with a different opinion and in all honesty, Ninty did get it's ass kicked by Sony in the last 2 generations. No reason to request a ban.

1. They're probably making quite a bit of the PS3 losses back with the PS2. Not sure about the PSP, but it's possible as well. Bringing this up is a complete straw man, because it's not what we were talking about.

The point here is how jandre is claiming Sony's high revenue means that they're doing well, and many members are pointing out how revenue doesn't matter, it's all about profit, and Sony's own financial reports are showing lots and lots of losses. The Playstation family as a whole is not profitable.

2. Opinions are just fine, as long as you present them as such and don't behave like a troll. Griffin has been clogging the boards with the most broken logic and blatant fanboyism I've ever witnessed, and being very impolite about it. It's absurd how contributing members like Rol get banned, but nothing gets done about this guy.


(edit: Finnish doudble post FTW) 

heres the catch---sony might have made x amount of revenue...but had xx amount of expense to take out.....

so sony is still left with -x net income (thats profit)


Hahaha, i love this sentence:
"People are buying DS Lites like they were cigarettes and Sony still managed to earn more for their hardware division in December. "
Did sony even earn anything from their gaming division? hahaha

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MMMMMM VGC is happening today :P This thread is so full of LOL it's not even funny xD

@OP, good post :P Good for Sony I guess :P

@HORDES OF WII FANS, who... gives... a... shit? Your all so intelegent that you coulden't just shrug it off and assume he's clueless? Nupe!!!! Gotta sound the bells >: ) I AM GO ON RAMPAGE NOW!!!!! I mean honest to god why does it matter so much to you LOL, someone pointing out that this site isn't Wii bias, yet the ratio of posters in a PS3 TOPIC is like 7 wii owners to every 3 ps3 XD This is absolutely rediculous!!! I never gave two attempts at giving a shit about the Playstations victory's over Nintendo! It's not like it affected me in the least! Why does every wannabe econmoics professor in here feel the need to post the same damn comment over and over xD I think Parokki stated that Revenue =/= profit. BAM DONE!!!! Feel happy for him that he's excited about something for shit's sake people xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I'm pretty sure Sony did win software revenue Soriku, here in Norway Sony sodl software for 600 million NOK in December alone.
Yes, Sony has big expenses, but their turnover is still tremendous, just not their net profits. See things in several layers, and it makes more sense!

I am not saying that the overall figures put Sony in a place where their games division makes a profit. I am just looking at it as a possibillity, where many are automaticly assuming they are not.

We have no clue what their expenses are and no clue if they actually made a loss Let's stop thinking we do. I know my numbers might just be as much off as yours, but my numbers atleast shed a light on a possible event. This discussion might lead to a better understanding of the market and costs if we all made plausible posts instead of trying to ban people for things said we may or may not like.

I am not impressed by Parokki first saying someone should get banned for stating a fact (Nintendo did get outsold by Sony the last 2 generations), and then excusing himself by saying that guy trolled the forums and not providing any proof for that. A real man would have just apologized for putting another forumnite in a bad light.

This topic is about Sony making the best revenue off all manufacturers and with a high revenue they make the best chance of making a bit of profit. The PSP and PS2 both sold 1.1 million units each and with that they make up a lot for the (potential?) loss on the PS3 which sold 798K on it's own according to the article.

Like I said before, perhaps my numbers are way off but they atleast leave room for discussion and show I put effort into my reply instead of: Revenue minus more costs we automaticly assume means loss cause it's Sony. This topic is filled with those type of reactions.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Username2324 said:
erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on.

Are you a moron? 3 different consoles really doesnt matter does it? If Sony can make revenue and profit off the PS2 and PSP why not? And just because the DS sells more doesnt make the PSP any less profitable for Sony, and "watches the PS3 lose to everybody", have you not been paying attention to the numbers and market shares? The PS3 has continuously outsold the 360 worldwide and gained .2% in market share in the last 2 weeks. Not to mention the success with Blu-ray and all the studios switching worldwide.

So what is the real picture my friend? Well we see the PS3 gaining ground (good news for Sony) the PSP selling hardware and software as usual (good for Sony) even if its not as high as Nintendo, we also see Sony's veteran console the PS2 selling strong still (also good news for Sony), and we see Sony's format making great strides (very good news for Sony).

No, I'm not a moron, I just have a much better understanding between the difference between revenue and profit and you don't currently have the ability (apparently) to comprehend it. A huge chunk of their profit from their hardware is getting taken away by the money they lose on PS3's. PSP has terrible software sales worldwide due to piracy, they are losing tons more possible revenue through that.

"Continuously outsold the 360 worldwide and gained market share." You mean the few weeks where it outsells it by 10 or 20k? The difference is still well over 7 million which is where it was 5 or 6 months ago and it's not hard to continuously gain market share when you started from zero. Nintendo is gaining it too and they aren't toiling in last place gaining .2% in 2 weeks.

The real picture is they aren't having anywhere near the success they had the last 2 generations. Once the PS2 goes down, the bulk of their game profits will be forced to come from the PS3 and PSP and that can't be a good proposition for them right now. I realize a lot of sony fanboys have really lowered their ideas of what success is now that Sony has hit some hardtimes with some of it's systems but their "success" is nowhere near what is was, and that will be the barometer for comparison until this generation is over.

Try looking at some of the huge losses Sony has posted in the last year in the gaming division due to the PS3 before you blindly say things.  Seriously though, don't get so upset over games and companies that don't even care about you, try to pay more attention to important things if you have any.

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it boils down to revenue numbers then are spinning are like this