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I am not saying that the overall figures put Sony in a place where their games division makes a profit. I am just looking at it as a possibillity, where many are automaticly assuming they are not.

We have no clue what their expenses are and no clue if they actually made a loss Let's stop thinking we do. I know my numbers might just be as much off as yours, but my numbers atleast shed a light on a possible event. This discussion might lead to a better understanding of the market and costs if we all made plausible posts instead of trying to ban people for things said we may or may not like.

I am not impressed by Parokki first saying someone should get banned for stating a fact (Nintendo did get outsold by Sony the last 2 generations), and then excusing himself by saying that guy trolled the forums and not providing any proof for that. A real man would have just apologized for putting another forumnite in a bad light.

This topic is about Sony making the best revenue off all manufacturers and with a high revenue they make the best chance of making a bit of profit. The PSP and PS2 both sold 1.1 million units each and with that they make up a lot for the (potential?) loss on the PS3 which sold 798K on it's own according to the article.

Like I said before, perhaps my numbers are way off but they atleast leave room for discussion and show I put effort into my reply instead of: Revenue minus more costs we automaticly assume means loss cause it's Sony. This topic is filled with those type of reactions.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979