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Username2324 said:
erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on.

Are you a moron? 3 different consoles really doesnt matter does it? If Sony can make revenue and profit off the PS2 and PSP why not? And just because the DS sells more doesnt make the PSP any less profitable for Sony, and "watches the PS3 lose to everybody", have you not been paying attention to the numbers and market shares? The PS3 has continuously outsold the 360 worldwide and gained .2% in market share in the last 2 weeks. Not to mention the success with Blu-ray and all the studios switching worldwide.

So what is the real picture my friend? Well we see the PS3 gaining ground (good news for Sony) the PSP selling hardware and software as usual (good for Sony) even if its not as high as Nintendo, we also see Sony's veteran console the PS2 selling strong still (also good news for Sony), and we see Sony's format making great strides (very good news for Sony).

No, I'm not a moron, I just have a much better understanding between the difference between revenue and profit and you don't currently have the ability (apparently) to comprehend it. A huge chunk of their profit from their hardware is getting taken away by the money they lose on PS3's. PSP has terrible software sales worldwide due to piracy, they are losing tons more possible revenue through that.

"Continuously outsold the 360 worldwide and gained market share." You mean the few weeks where it outsells it by 10 or 20k? The difference is still well over 7 million which is where it was 5 or 6 months ago and it's not hard to continuously gain market share when you started from zero. Nintendo is gaining it too and they aren't toiling in last place gaining .2% in 2 weeks.

The real picture is they aren't having anywhere near the success they had the last 2 generations. Once the PS2 goes down, the bulk of their game profits will be forced to come from the PS3 and PSP and that can't be a good proposition for them right now. I realize a lot of sony fanboys have really lowered their ideas of what success is now that Sony has hit some hardtimes with some of it's systems but their "success" is nowhere near what is was, and that will be the barometer for comparison until this generation is over.

Try looking at some of the huge losses Sony has posted in the last year in the gaming division due to the PS3 before you blindly say things.  Seriously though, don't get so upset over games and companies that don't even care about you, try to pay more attention to important things if you have any.

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