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Forums - General Discussion - Was 911 an inside job?


Was it?

No 109 98.20%

9/11 conspiracy believers are radical Islamic terrorist supporters, thats the only way you can see it.

If you blame the very country where the attacked happened, your essentially shifting the blame from the wrongful party.....Islamic terrorists.

Might as well say you support terrorism.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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100% inside job.
The official version is so stupid and is violating all existing physical laws that I started to improve my english(no english=no research)just because of that.

If you want to have an expert analysis ,watch on youtube"architects and engineers".this is a group of almost 2000 experts(real experts,no conspiracy theorists)
They don't speculate who has orchastrated 911,they will just explain you that the official version is absolutely impossible and that the official investigation report is a peace of sh!t with absolutely no answers.

If you want to go deeper into it,than do some research about building 7.(even if you are a completely idiot you will never ever believe the official version after you did the research)
Most people even don't know that this building has collapsed on 911,and the mainstreammedia won't tell.
(the same media that is trying to tell you that games make people violent,but is ignoring the fact that all the violence on tv may be the reason,because they are those who are making tv)
The really interssting thing about building 7.The collaps of the building was reported 15 minutes BEFORE the building collapsed.You can watch on youtube the female news speaker speaking about the collaps,while in the back you can see the NY skyline and building 7 )

The owner of building 7(larry silversteen) even admitted on tv that he gave the order to" pull it down"

Barry Jennings was inside building 7 before it collapsed,listen what he is saying(youtube)

Another thing:it was absolutely impossible for the plane to hit the pentagon.
To reach the pentagon,you must pass 3 high security territories(military base dc,white house,pentagon) and it is impossible just to reach one of them without being shot down with misdiles,if you don't have the code .

If you take a look at the holes that the planes made at the Wtc buildings after the impact,you will realize that they are slightly bigger than the planes(thats pretty usual)
those planes have cut 10inch massive steel without any problems.
Now take a look at the pentagon,the hole is far smaller than the plane that hit the pentagon,and the pentagon walls are not made of steel.that's 100% impossible.
Whats even more interessting.Short time after the impact several FBI agents conficated all Videocamrecordings around the pentagon.(almost 90,and they never ever appeared again)The same US government that has ignored 4 huge planes for almost an hour without doing a thing knew exactly where all private monitoring cameras outside the pentagon were positioned and confiscated them in a very short period.

A few weeks before 911 it was impossible for a planes to enter US airspace illegally without being shot down by NORAD within minutes.Than G W Bush changed this law making it impossible for Norad to shoot down planes without permission of him,rumsfeld and another guy.All three persons refused to give order to Norad that day.
This law removed one day after 911.

Your government is pushing a perpetual war since 1950,and is using lies to start them and will always find a reason.
Vietnam-lie-4 million killed
iraq-lie-1 million killed

and you believe that they won't kill the own people to create a reason to make war?lol-
never heard of operation 40?
watch on youtube:wesley clark on youtube.7 countries in 5 years.
he has predicted in 2007 what will happen in Arab countries ,and it either has happened until now or is happening .
right now.

and if you think the media will tell you the truth?
they only tell you what they are allowed.Nothing about the bilderbergers,nothing about bohemian grove,
nothing about uss liberty.

zero129 said:
sales2099 said:
9/11 conspiracy believers are radical Islamic terrorist supporters, thats the only way you can see it.

If you blame the very country where the attacked happened, your essentially shifting the blame from the wrongful party.....Islamic terrorists.

Might as well say you support terrorism.

Please tell me your joking? cos right now your sounding like That law the USA Passed that will aloow it to attack its own citizins etc etc.

I am not. Muslim extremists attacked USA on 9/11. To shift the blame away from them is essentially supporting terrorism.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


SxyxS said:
100% inside job.
The official version is so stupid and is violating all existing physical laws that I started to improve my english(no english=no research)just because of that.

If you want to have an expert analysis ,watch on youtube"architects and engineers".this is a group of almost 2000 experts(real experts,no conspiracy theorists)
They don't speculate who has orchastrated 911,they will just explain you that the official version is absolutely impossible and that the official investigation report is a peace of sh!t with absolutely no answers.

If you want to go deeper into it,than do some research about building 7.(even if you are a completely idiot you will never ever believe the official version after you did the research)
Most people even don't know that this building has collapsed on 911,and the mainstreammedia won't tell.
(the same media that is trying to tell you that games make people violent,but is ignoring the fact that all the violence on tv may be the reason,because they are those who are making tv)
The really interssting thing about building 7.The collaps of the building was reported 15 minutes BEFORE the building collapsed.You can watch on youtube the female news speaker speaking about the collaps,while in the back you can see the NY skyline and building 7 )

The owner of building 7(larry silversteen) even admitted on tv that he gave the order to" pull it down"

Barry Jennings was inside building 7 before it collapsed,listen what he is saying(youtube)

Another thing:it was absolutely impossible for the plane to hit the pentagon.
To reach the pentagon,you must pass 3 high security territories(military base dc,white house,pentagon) and it is impossible just to reach one of them without being shot down with misdiles,if you don't have the code .

If you take a look at the holes that the planes made at the Wtc buildings after the impact,you will realize that they are slightly bigger than the planes(thats pretty usual)
those planes have cut 10inch massive steel without any problems.
Now take a look at the pentagon,the hole is far smaller than the plane that hit the pentagon,and the pentagon walls are not made of steel.that's 100% impossible.
Whats even more interessting.Short time after the impact several FBI agents conficated all Videocamrecordings around the pentagon.(almost 90,and they never ever appeared again)The same US government that has ignored 4 huge planes for almost an hour without doing a thing knew exactly where all private monitoring cameras outside the pentagon were positioned and confiscated them in a very short period.

A few weeks before 911 it was impossible for a planes to enter US airspace illegally without being shot down by NORAD within minutes.Than G W Bush changed this law making it impossible for Norad to shoot down planes without permission of him,rumsfeld and another guy.All three persons refused to give order to Norad that day.
This law removed one day after 911.

Your government is pushing a perpetual war since 1950,and is using lies to start them and will always find a reason.
Vietnam-lie-4 million killed
iraq-lie-1 million killed

and you believe that they won't kill the own people to create a reason to make war?lol-
never heard of operation 40?
watch on youtube:wesley clark on youtube.7 countries in 5 years.
he has predicted in 2007 what will happen in Arab countries ,and it either has happened until now or is happening .
right now.

and if you think the media will tell you the truth?
they only tell you what they are allowed.Nothing about the bilderbergers,nothing about bohemian grove,
nothing about uss liberty.

Some people say the 9/11 conspiracy is government created to give the illusion they are all powerful...when in fact its meant to cover up that they were caught completely by surprise.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


zero129 said:
sales2099 said:
zero129 said:
sales2099 said:
9/11 conspiracy believers are radical Islamic terrorist supporters, thats the only way you can see it.

If you blame the very country where the attacked happened, your essentially shifting the blame from the wrongful party.....Islamic terrorists.

Might as well say you support terrorism.

Please tell me your joking? cos right now your sounding like That law the USA Passed that will aloow it to attack its own citizins etc etc.

I am not. Muslim extremists attacked USA on 9/11. To shift the blame away from them is essentially supporting terrorism.

Whatever you think dude... And call me a terrorist again and ill get you banned.

I say you support it if you legitimately think they weren't the cause of 9/11. Im sorry but this is very serious to me and if people dishonor the lives of the hundreds of people that died by saying the government did it themselves.....well I think im entitled to respond the way I am. I hope the mods see that.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Around the Network
zero129 said:
sales2099 said:
zero129 said:
sales2099 said:
zero129 said:
sales2099 said:
9/11 conspiracy believers are radical Islamic terrorist supporters, thats the only way you can see it.

If you blame the very country where the attacked happened, your essentially shifting the blame from the wrongful party.....Islamic terrorists.

Might as well say you support terrorism.

Please tell me your joking? cos right now your sounding like That law the USA Passed that will aloow it to attack its own citizins etc etc.

I am not. Muslim extremists attacked USA on 9/11. To shift the blame away from them is essentially supporting terrorism.

Whatever you think dude... And call me a terrorist again and ill get you banned.

I say you support it if you legitimately think they weren't the cause of 9/11. Im sorry but this is very serious to me and if people dishonor the lives of the hundreds of people that died by saying the government did it themselves.....well I think im entitled to respond the way I am. I hope the mods see that.

I see you edit your post since you originaly posted it. Well dude this means alot to me too. And no your not entitled to try change someones opinion by calling them a terrorist if they dont support what you or your government has to say. I lost a family member that day so i have the right to speak whatever the hell i want to you understand me son??

I am not calling you a terrorist. I am saying that if you legitimately shift the blame away from them, essentially giving them a free pass in your book. Thats a supporter/sympathizer to me. Never said at all that you were a full blown terrorist. If you did loose someone, then sorry for your loss, but I stand by my reasoning.We should focus on the clear guilty party, to shift attention away from them is to say they got away with it.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 



zero129 said:

But they didnt get away with it, They lost 1000's of inocent people too, so how did they get away with it??.

What would make you happy? to just blow all muslims to hell??

Cos of a false flag operation set up by the us government??.

If not a False Flag the US Government sure as hell knew about it before it happened and to me thats just as bad.

Or are you trying to tell me they knew nothing about this attack??.

Yes the US military retaliated, as they should have. But to say the terrorists weren't the cause, that dishonors the lives lost. Simple as that.

Most likely they knew a attack was coming, but theres always tons of factors such as the delievery method, time, day, etc. Nobody could predict exactly when and where it would happen and it would be foolish to close all airports on a hunch with no hard evidence. 

In short, they were caught with their guard down and by surprise. And they (this is my personal theory) make up this conspiracy theory that people swear by to make the people still believe that the US is still a all-powerful super power that totally just didn't get caught with its pants down.

The pro is that people still feel safe because they think the US did it to themselves and their national security is still top notch. The con is that the gullible turn a blind eye to middle east aggression against western nations via terrorism.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


SxyxS said:
100% inside job.
The official version is so stupid and is violating all existing physical laws that I started to improve my english(no english=no research)just because of that.

If you want to have an expert analysis ,watch on youtube"architects and engineers".this is a group of almost 2000 experts(real experts,no conspiracy theorists)
They don't speculate who has orchastrated 911,they will just explain you that the official version is absolutely impossible and that the official investigation report is a peace of sh!t with absolutely no answers.

If you want to go deeper into it,than do some research about building 7.(even if you are a completely idiot you will never ever believe the official version after you did the research)
Most people even don't know that this building has collapsed on 911,and the mainstreammedia won't tell.
(the same media that is trying to tell you that games make people violent,but is ignoring the fact that all the violence on tv may be the reason,because they are those who are making tv)
The really interssting thing about building 7.The collaps of the building was reported 15 minutes BEFORE the building collapsed.You can watch on youtube the female news speaker speaking about the collaps,while in the back you can see the NY skyline and building 7 )

The owner of building 7(larry silversteen) even admitted on tv that he gave the order to" pull it down"

Barry Jennings was inside building 7 before it collapsed,listen what he is saying(youtube)

Another thing:it was absolutely impossible for the plane to hit the pentagon.
To reach the pentagon,you must pass 3 high security territories(military base dc,white house,pentagon) and it is impossible just to reach one of them without being shot down with misdiles,if you don't have the code .

If you take a look at the holes that the planes made at the Wtc buildings after the impact,you will realize that they are slightly bigger than the planes(thats pretty usual)
those planes have cut 10inch massive steel without any problems.
Now take a look at the pentagon,the hole is far smaller than the plane that hit the pentagon,and the pentagon walls are not made of steel.that's 100% impossible.
Whats even more interessting.Short time after the impact several FBI agents conficated all Videocamrecordings around the pentagon.(almost 90,and they never ever appeared again)The same US government that has ignored 4 huge planes for almost an hour without doing a thing knew exactly where all private monitoring cameras outside the pentagon were positioned and confiscated them in a very short period.

A few weeks before 911 it was impossible for a planes to enter US airspace illegally without being shot down by NORAD within minutes.Than G W Bush changed this law making it impossible for Norad to shoot down planes without permission of him,rumsfeld and another guy.All three persons refused to give order to Norad that day.
This law removed one day after 911.

Your government is pushing a perpetual war since 1950,and is using lies to start them and will always find a reason.
Vietnam-lie-4 million killed
iraq-lie-1 million killed

and you believe that they won't kill the own people to create a reason to make war?lol-
never heard of operation 40?
watch on youtube:wesley clark on youtube.7 countries in 5 years.
he has predicted in 2007 what will happen in Arab countries ,and it either has happened until now or is happening .
right now.

and if you think the media will tell you the truth?
they only tell you what they are allowed.Nothing about the bilderbergers,nothing about bohemian grove,
nothing about uss liberty.

Horrible, horrible misinformation....


Silverstein's 'Pull it' Explained


WTC 7 Explained:

"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."

JoeTheBro said:

With the stupid, stupid, and even more stupid thread/conspiracy theory about the Sandy Hook tragedy, I feel obliged to make this thread about 911. 11 years later people still strongly believe it wasn't a terrorist attack. Meanwhile I've had 11 years to research it and disprove this crazy theory. So basically there are three outcomes of this thread. The first is you will present evidence that can't be disproved in which case I'll admit 911 was probably faked. The second outcome is me discrediting ALL of your evidence and you admitting it wasn't faked. The third and most likely outcome is people will use shady tactics and not actually care about logic sending this thread in a downward spiral of doom. So go ahead, try and convince me 911 is more than meets the eye. I don't want you just posting videos, I want your own thoughts and words.

Fellow members that agree it wasn't an inside job can feel free to help prove my point.

Anyone want to help start and propogate a conspiracy theory that all these conspiracy theories are an inside job by the government, done to distract the masses from the real issues in society, and destroying the lives of individuals who are too nosy to undermine their credibility!

Remember, what I just wrote is on the Internet, so it must be true.

On another note, I did contact a relief effort in Connecticut and asked them about the conspiracy theory stuff and what to do, and they said to just try to get the word out.