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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Donkey Kong Country 4!

Soriku said:
DK4 should be on the DS, not Wii...

 i could live with that

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Lap top's acting a bit screwy. Sorry for the triple post.


I couldn't care about Rare's absence. They're not the same company they once were, and most of those who worked on DKC the first time have likely moved on by now.

 DC is the unpolished jewel in the Nintendo crown. They need to stop with these gimmicked bongo games and come out with a more "serious" DKC sequel.

DK64 sucks balls, so I would love to see DKC 4. Make it 2D game play with 3D graphics, similar to New Super Mario Bros. I remember looking at the instructions of the original game and wishing the graphics could look like that, I'm sure EAD Tokyo could pull it off. I'd be more worried about the music though.

WiiU Network ID:  the_Ultros

PSN: Anthaleigh

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for who say that it wont be good with out rare, Ur simply saying that rare > nintendo in platformers.

btw DKJB was awsome, sure it was short, i hated that its score based and the levels are short but it was a step in the right direction.

"EAD Software Development Group Tokyo" was the developer of DKJB this is an other reason for me to be 100% that mario galaxy will be one of the gr8est games ever. My own personal openion is DKJB > DKC, one of the reasons why we "loved" DKC its cuz of the pre-rendered graphics. Im not saying its a bad game i loved the series but that doesnt make it better then JB.

its the same with FF7, FF7 is a really good game but its certainly not the best RPG ever, but many of us say it is because its there first RPG they ever played.

if its made it should be done by retro

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I should be for the DS... I see no reason why it would not be great... Nintendo is very good about not letting their big franchises fall from grace. Look at Metriod. I expect DK to get a DS DKC and Wii to get a DKWii, full 3D. They movie Mario into the shperical world so DKWii could be a more tradtional 3D platformer. DK has always been about looking pretty... I saw add a new team and let retro do it.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

DK4 will be bad if Rare doesnt make it??

Most of the Rare Team back then isnt even with Rare anymore so its just like any other Company making it if Rare was involved..

Retro is a good one,but there working on another game,i can see Nintendo pulling this since there on a Roll..

Hi i'm new
EA will buy as many Companies they can,so they can make a super Console that
will have the most exclusive games, and Will win the next GEN

I recall reading somewhere that jungle beat sold 1 mil.. I have it, very fun :)