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for who say that it wont be good with out rare, Ur simply saying that rare > nintendo in platformers.

btw DKJB was awsome, sure it was short, i hated that its score based and the levels are short but it was a step in the right direction.

"EAD Software Development Group Tokyo" was the developer of DKJB this is an other reason for me to be 100% that mario galaxy will be one of the gr8est games ever. My own personal openion is DKJB > DKC, one of the reasons why we "loved" DKC its cuz of the pre-rendered graphics. Im not saying its a bad game i loved the series but that doesnt make it better then JB.

its the same with FF7, FF7 is a really good game but its certainly not the best RPG ever, but many of us say it is because its there first RPG they ever played.