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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why would I ever want to purchase a neXtBox 720?

Soleron said:
Mowcno said:


Buying there console and games for there console will earn them more money than pc, I think M$ care.

If that is true why does it not show up in their earnings?

Windows 8: $30-50 per sale
720: Initial loss of $100/unit, $7/unit third party game royalty -> need to sell 20+ games to make more than Windows license

We can exclude all first party games from that because MS earns that money from PC as well. Also remember Win8 store has 30% royalty which is MORE than $7 on a $60 game. 

I guess so. Though xbox live subscription earns them around $60 a year.

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Don't buy it, pretty simple

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw

I loved Fable, Bioware games and Mistwalker and I don't like gaming on a PC for things other than RTS and sometimes a little MMO. I much prefer the ease of use of a console and comfort of my living room and surround sound. So for those reasons, and Halo, I bought a 360. The last Fable sucked, Bioware was EA-ified and went multiplat and Mistwalkers last game was on Wii and next game is on WiiU. Right now the only franchise drawing me to the nextBox is Halo. I love Halo, but I don't know if it's enough. I'm really going to evaluate the next two systems before deciding which to buy. I don't think I'll buy both. It will come down to cost and exclusive games. If I'm really lucky multiplats will continue to be on WiiU and I won't need either for a while... though I'm not counting on that. However, console vs PC will never be a real debate to me. I tried being just a PC gamer for a while in university when cash was low, but I really missed the console experience.

Dozens of millions of gamers are console gamers first.

That answers your question. The only doubt is the doubt you create yourself.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


superchunk said:
toadslayer72 said:

I didn't read your whole post, I just scanned it for Halo after reading your closing question. Halo is the answer for many.

I think Halo is a boring horrible game. So I ignored it on purpose. However, my opinion is also that buying a console for literally one game is a waste of money too.

But if that is the only answer many need, then so be it. I'm just pondering the overall idea of Xbox as a console.

Cool story. I think many of the posters here have given you a few legit answers as well as made some other legit observations.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

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Wander_ said:
JayWood2010 said:
superchunk said:

You are 100% wrong as the others do offer distinct value to be purchased along with a PC.

Nintendo has its first party games that demand a Nintendo hardware to be purchased. A lot more than one or two titles as well.

Sony, while more similar to MS, still has quite a few exclusives (more than one/Halo) along with its PSNPlus service that push distinct value to their hardware.

MS on the other had has none of that.

Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo Reach, Halo ODST, Halo Wars, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Forza 2, forza 3, forza 4, , forza horizon, all kinect games, gears 2, gears 3, blue dragon, red dead redemption, kameo, perfect dark, banjo, XBLA, viva pinata, mortal kombat, WWE, NBA, NFL, NHL, FIFA, pretty much any sports game, and this list goes on and on.  These are reasons people decide to own both consoles and PC. 

im pretty sure the 3 gears are on pc unless im wrong?

No Gears of War 1 got released like 1 or 2 years after they originally released it on 360.  No other gears game is on PC.


Great another Xbox bashing thread, just what the site needs.

Primarily, I use my Xbox for 3 reasons:

1) Gaming on my 50" plasma screen
2) Exclusives like Forza
3) Media center activities

2 are technically possible on a PC, but I'd rather just deal with an Xbox than a PC when it comes to setting up a media center.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

JayWood2010 said:
Wander_ said:

im pretty sure the 3 gears are on pc unless im wrong?

No Gears of War 1 got released like 1 or 2 years after they originally released it on 360.  No other gears game is on PC.

Gears of War is the best X360 franchise why put it on pc? Microsoft i dont get you.

BenVTrigger said:
This thread is a pretty close minded way of looking at things

Why would ANYONE buy ANY console when you could always build a better PC. The answer is simple, many people especially those that arent "hardcore gamers" like the ease of use a console offers. If you go to the store to buy a 360 or PS3 game you know you can go straight home, stick it in your console and it will run perfectly fine. You also know there is zero need to worry about upgrading parts and compatibility issues until the next console releases.

For many core gamers like us PC gaming isnt that difficukt to figure out but we are the minority. The vast majority of gamers who play on console dont know anything about how to build a rig, how Steam works, or how to even gauge system requirements


Also as others have stated lot of japanse games don't make to the PC. It's starting to change a little bit but still far off. Also games like Red Dead Redemption are still not available for pc. Convenience and desire to play console exclusives makes one get a certain console. Same reason you got a Wii U superchunk.