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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global UP! 29th December (HARDWARE ADJUSTED)

Chandler said:
Those 3DS numbers are fapworthy considering the non existent holiday lineup in the west. Wii U numbers are average, except europe. But Sony worked really hard over the holidays to make the Wii U look as bad as possible, giving out Vitas for chump change and a new PS3 model which is actually a bad deal but a nice "new-shiny-hardware" exploit for the not so bright people around here. Nintendo does this too, so Sony earned it. Congratz.

Maybe Europeans reckoned WiiU was the bad deal despite the "new-shiny-gamepad".

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ryuzaki57 said:
Chandler said:
Those 3DS numbers are fapworthy considering the non existent holiday lineup in the west. Wii U numbers are average, except europe. But Sony worked really hard over the holidays to make the Wii U look as bad as possible, giving out Vitas for chump change and a new PS3 model which is actually a bad deal but a nice "new-shiny-hardware" exploit for the not so bright people around here. Nintendo does this too, so Sony earned it. Congratz.

Maybe Europeans reckoned WiiU was the bad deal despite the "new-shiny-gamepad".

And the whole new set of games, that's out or coming in the next few years? I doubt it. The super slim on the other hand is arguably worse than the slim model and offers nothing new except a lesser build quality for the same price. Hell, I got my 320gb slim 50€ less than the 12gb super slim is going for.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

It would surprise me if the WiiU would pick up anytime soon. It need its Mario Kario, Zelda and the next Mario 3D adventure game. Now seriously who's interested in this console besides the hardcore Nintendo fans?

Casuals are fine with the Wii and phones and tablets. there's no revolutionary thing like the Wii had. Plus many don't even know what the WiiU is or that it even exists.
Traditional gamers have the same shit and more on PS360 and PC, plus a lot of them are negatively biased on Nintendo after the Wii.
The new Sony and MS consoles are coming soon and the WiiU will be the ugly duckling again. If the graphical leap is big enough 3rd parties will develop for the new machines and ignore the WiiU because they won't be able to port their games to an inferior console.
I seriously think the WiiU is in big trouble. The only thing that could save it is if it has enough great exclusives which are also significantly different from what will be available on the other consoles.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

PS3 is on fire. And I think 2013 is his best year for exclusives....

Based on current sale through figure, I guess the shipment figure of XBOX360 in Q4 will be around 6.2~6.3million that is huge drop comparing to last year and also less than 2010.

Where is the tread for the prediction of new shipment figure for big 3?

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kowenicki said:
HeavenlyWarrior said:
Do you think vita can manage to sell 100k per week throughtout 2013?

Hell no. Will be below 100k per week very soon. 

Until the price cut, then it will hover above 100k

Well I for one expected x360 to hand PS3 it's ass on a plate over the holidays. Never expected the margin to be so close.

I remember the thread from about this time last year about which console will come out on top.
All the data and analysis produce by some "experts" didn't amount to a damn thing.

Oh well, what is life but to have a good laugh in hindsight... even at ones self.

zhao3gold said:
Congrats to PS3 for being the best selling console of 2012. So currently, the best selling console of each year in this generation is:

2007~2010: Wii
2011: XBOX360
2012: PS3

Above is based on shipment figure of each calendar year. 2005 & 2006 are not inclued because Wii and PS3 were not launched worldwide.

Why shipment figure? Because it is the only official worldwide numbers we can have and it indicates the sales for the manufacturers.

This site tracks sold to consumers, not to retailers. So, by this site 2011 goes to PS3.

As for 2012 we don't know yet the real shipments. Do you?

Ah it was fun while it lasted. Now bringing out my folding chair and waiting for a serious, NA/Europe price drop.

Taking comfort in Halo 4 and Forza 4/Horizon :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


I'm not surprised how well PS3 is doing in Europe. In my country it's almost all about PS3 right now. I do not know if it's a good idea to announce a new PlayStation... Feels like the momentum is just growing...