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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The official No More Heroes Thread

SleepWaking said:
What I can't believe is that IGN gave Scarface a 8.5. I did not think ign was well respected at all, they also gave resistance a 9 and called it a killer-app, What? Medal of honour heroes 2 got a 8.4 from them, Manhunt 2 got a 7.7 and this only gets a 7.8? I think ign reviews are not good at all. (always to focussed on the technical site of the games, rating a game lower because it doesn't support 480p is wrong imo

It's not respected, in my experience. This site and most of its posters are ass backwards when it comes to reviews, lol. I think its because this is more of a sales figures site, and deals more with them, then the inner workings of most games.


That's not necessarily a bad thing, and the only drawback is you get a lot of "but IGN said" kinda stuff. It's silly, yes, but worth it for the awesome information and cool posters that are found here, imo.


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Words Of Wisdom said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Actually, and I'm not trying to be a fanboy here, I'm the exact opposite.

You are a fan of a console and attacking people who make comments you dislike about it. I'd say you qualify for that monicker.

ZenfoldorVGI said:

I've always thought of IGN as a joke, since they gave God Hand(one of my favs) a 3/10, and I've always thought that their reviews of some games shouldn't be taken seriously, because they tend to be way too high.

So, you made a generalization about all their reviews because they gave a low score to a game you like. Does one review you disagree with make a wide generalization such this valid in your opinion?

ZenfoldorVGI said:

I also didn't even know Gametrailers reviewed games on a regular basis, until this.

You argue about what sites' reviews are the most worthwhile and you don't even know something as basic as this?

ZenfoldorVGI said:

As for Gamespot, Edge magazine, Xplay, Famitsu, Gamerankings compilation scores, I've went by them for years, and I've never been steered wrong.

So you've never seen a single review in those sources that you dislike or that conflict with each other? You dislike IGN for a single bad review according to the above so is the reader to assume that all of these publications have reviewed games exactly alike and exactly coincide with your interests?

ZenfoldorVGI said:

Add to that, the fact that about 90 percent of the reviewers so far have given the game, well, 90 percent, and I just can't see how the game has as big of a "pile of flaws" as most people assume.

How can someone who only recently just learned of Gametrailers reviews make any kind of valid claim about "90 percent of the reviewers?"

ZenfoldorVGI said:

That said, I really do honestly think that every person who doesn't want any Wii game to be a success, is flocking to the IGN reviews bandwagon. They refuse to believe the game is as good, or better than Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, or Mass Effect. Why? Plain and simple, graphics, and anti-Wii bias.

What's wrong with disliking Wii-level graphics anyway? Some people dislike the idea of a dohc in their car but that doesn't make those people or dohc's bad.

ZenfoldorVGI said:

I mean, IGN just gave Endless Ocean an 8/10. Since you respect them so much, do you agree that Endless Ocean is better than Assassin's Creed, which scored a 7.7(lower than No More Heroes)?

Do you find it so unbelievable that someone might just like Endless Ocean more than Assassin's Creed? How about that different reviewers place different priorities on certain game attributes, would that shock you as well?

ZenfoldorVGI said:

IGN's reviews are wildly different and speculative depending on which reviewer actually reviews the game, unlike Edge, Gamespot, or even Xplay, there is no consistancy or comparitive reviewing. It's on a case by case basis, and is heavily influenced by an opinion and not a set of conditions. Generally, unprofessional reviewing. How can anyone respect that?

So are you saying that all of the above sources are always consistent themselves? Do you have proof?

While you are entitled to your opinions, not all of your opinions are equally well supported.

Oh, WoW, you misunderstand me. I'm not trying to be a fanboy, I'm just keeping the Wiibashers at bay. Nobody so far who has flamed NMH has been a Wii fanboy. 99.9 percent of them are doing it just to anger Wii fanboys. I'm simply a voice to respond, because the game is great, and a lof of people who usually get away with passive-agressively flaming it, I just can't allow to go unresponded too. If you don't wanna get corrected, then don't say silly things, imo.


I just used one example of why IGN is considered a joke, by me. There are several more, within the industry, but on the whole, IGN is one of the least respected review sites on the web, right next to 1up. Do I have proof? How can you prove a common belief? By using anecdotal examples? Nope. That's why I said "in my opinion," or "I've always thought," because I don't feel the need to prove my, not opinion, but belief, is correct. I know it is, but I add "in my opinion" for common courtesy. You flamed me for it.


It's ironic that you flame me for not being certain that the great news source, but mediocre and completely lesser known gametrailers has reviews of most games, yet you assume that IGN is a respectible review site? Is that really how you operate? Start off all high and mighty, and then sink to what you percieve is "my level" at the first chance you get? They're releatively new, and haven't had a chance to prove themselves. Nobody shops for reviews exclusively at their site, except possibly their forum community, because they( reviewers) have yet to prove themselves.


Your next sentence all but confronts the Wii haters and justifies their position based Is that why your against No More Heroes contined success, all because of graphics? I refuse to comment on that. Graphics are cosmetic and just about as meaningless as any aspect of gaming can get. Its fitting that the IGN review docked the most points for graphics, in its review. It's laughable, imo, but you'll probably flame me for having an opinion.


As for "Endless Ocean," well, most people hate that game. I've never played it, but I assume it's probably pretty good. If we're going by the "I doubts" as in, you doubt NMH is a 9/10, then I doubt Endless Ocean is better than Assassin's Creed, but hey, whatever. Probably both good games. Point is, all Wii haters would agree that AC is better than EE, yet when IGN is unfavorable to a Wii game, its their new hero website and it's the only one thats right, even though its completely contrary to popular opinion(and I can prove that)? Can we really allow them to have it both ways?


I realize I can't prove my deductions, otherwise they would be not deductions, but evidence. I have weaker arguments and stronger arguments, but in the end, I'm just stating my opinion, like everyone else. I'm sorry if it offends, but I have to state it as well as I possibly can, or there is no reason for me to post at all. I stand by everything I've said.



I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Why do people complain about certain sites review scores? If you don't like them don't read them. If you think X game deserves a 9 only read those reviews that tell you the things that are great about the game.. but you wouldn't have heard everyones different opinion about the game. Ingore the god damn score and just read the review.

Shissy said:
Why do people complain about certain sites review scores? If you don't like them don't read them. If you think X game deserves a 9 only read those reviews that tell you the things that are great about the game.. but you wouldn't have heard everyones different opinion about the game. Ingore the god damn score and just read the review.

I completely agree with that. Opinions are great, numerical values, not so much. We just tend to use them agasint games we hate for other reasons, besides their quality, like say, what platform they can be played on.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Early impressions, 2 hours and change in: Pros: 1. Combat generally works very well and is a lot of fun, making it a combo of button pressing and some slashing is way better than what all motion controls would have been. Not necessarily very deep combat, but very entertaining and easy to get the hang of (don't skip the tutorial). 2. This is one funny game and there are very few games that make me laugh so this is a big plus. 3. Lots of side stuff to do other than the main hits (jobs, side hits, weapon upgrades, collectibles). 4. Dialogue and voice acting work perfectly for the cheesy, tongue in cheek story (ies). Cons: 1. Sometimes remote gestures or even button presses don't register (bike parts and finishing moves). This is not a huge deal in the main missions (so far), but gets annoying in training. Some mini games control badly, but it's manageable. 2. More jaggies than in any game I have seen on the Wii, pop in frequent even at few feet away. Continued on next post.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

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3. Overworld feels dead (few cars, few people and nothing going on). 4. Easy, maybe too easy (up to now)? But it's almost guaranteed I'll replay this game on mild difficulty after completion. Overall it's extremely fun, made me laugh several times, has great eccentric characters and is seriously different (in a very good way) from anything out there. Highlight so far (skip if you want a surprise): Hitting a baseball through lined up baseball players with the beam katana and watch them explode into blood. I gotta tell you it beats Wii baseball :)

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Just bought No More Heroes this afternoon. I bought it at Best Buy, and the flyer said they'd have it by 2 p.m. I went in at around 6:30, and it wasn't there, so I asked the guy where it was, and showed him the flyer, and he had to call someone else to get it from somewhere else. I was mad, because if wasn't on the floor, how would anyone know to buy it? But anyway, I bought it (for $10, since I had $40 worth of Reward Zone coupons). He didn't ask for ID though, and I'm only 16 and a half (thank goodness for my low voice, I sound old enough). Haven't played it yet, just got home, but I'll list my reactions later. (Off topic, I also bought Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Gah, what should I play first?)

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"Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

In case anybody is interested, the text of the Edge review is available on

I bought it on the 23rd (yesterday)... (I went for the 22nd, but if you read from what I said earlier, the shipment was late) ... And I got the LAST COPY! I think this game is actually going to sell better than expected, considering I went at about the same time for Super Mario Galaxy, and the same thing happened. (both games were bought at about 5:00 PM)

I played this on my friend's Wii. Fun game.

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