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Early impressions, 2 hours and change in: Pros: 1. Combat generally works very well and is a lot of fun, making it a combo of button pressing and some slashing is way better than what all motion controls would have been. Not necessarily very deep combat, but very entertaining and easy to get the hang of (don't skip the tutorial). 2. This is one funny game and there are very few games that make me laugh so this is a big plus. 3. Lots of side stuff to do other than the main hits (jobs, side hits, weapon upgrades, collectibles). 4. Dialogue and voice acting work perfectly for the cheesy, tongue in cheek story (ies). Cons: 1. Sometimes remote gestures or even button presses don't register (bike parts and finishing moves). This is not a huge deal in the main missions (so far), but gets annoying in training. Some mini games control badly, but it's manageable. 2. More jaggies than in any game I have seen on the Wii, pop in frequent even at few feet away. Continued on next post.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!