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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Males of Vgchartz : What is the deepest anything has ever been up your bum?

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Well the log I dropped this morning was over 12 inches by my estimation.  

think-man said:


Badgenome penis... but it didn't go that deep...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

A guy about 10 inches i think


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I can vouch for both of the above posts.

nothing has ever went in, a lot of things came out over the years of my life though. I have sensitive and thin skin so I tell girls to stay the fuck away.

I once had a tear, so a doctor had to examine it... so about an inch of finger.

I was once with an older women (around 45) who was mostly into women. She was going down on me when suddenly a finger went an inch a so in the wrong direction in the wrong place.

After my initial 'WTF' reaction, she apologized profusely, continued on her initial intent (going down) and spent the next week or so apologizing for what she called being 'lost in the moment' because she's usually with women and that's normal behavior.

Physically I felt violated and recoiled. Psychologically I felt accepted as she was as relaxed with me as was with normal lovers.

What worries me is that in a decade or so that I'll need to let a doc do the same for medical purposes. And it will likely be a he rather than she and my testicles won't be getting special treatment at the time.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
I was once with an older women (around 458)



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)