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Forums - Sales Discussion - Where do you buy your games?

NES - bought from my cousin, cheap

SNES - bought from gameco

N64 - friend gave it to me

Wii - Wallmart

PS - don't remember

PS2 - don't remember

PS3 - gamestop

Gen - friend gave it to me

PC -, I usually buy the games off steam.


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Senlis said:

NES - bought from my cousin, cheap

SNES - bought from gameco

N64 - friend gave it to me

Wii - Wallmart

PS - don't remember

PS2 - don't remember

PS3 - gamestop

Gen - friend gave it to me

PC -, I usually buy the games off steam.

man you sound like a busy man.....still want a snes...had one, and eventually got another one....but sold it years ago....but always wanted another one....">

usually Gamespot, sometimes Best buy

I try to buy everything at Best Buy because they have that rewards program thing. Also I dislike Gamestop mostly bc they unwrap the games a lot, even new ones, what the hell thats one of the best parts. Also bc they jack up prices on certain games and dont get me started on used games rip off. But i digress bc sometimes i shop there bc they have smaller released games that you cant get anywhere else. Maybe I should try the internets.

"Like you know"

I don't think I've bought a game anywhere but for about 2 years.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

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Hmm... for systems, I'm only going to give the last iteration of each one we bought. And here's the mess:

Atari 2600: Direct from Atari ($50)
Atari XE: Yard Sale ($10)
NES: X-mas gift
SNES: Kay-Bee Toys ($129)
N64: I don't remember; it may've been a gift?
GC: 2nd-hand from a friend ($50)
Wii: Gamestop preorder ($250)
Game Boy: Another gift, though I know it came from Jamesway... ($90)
GBColor: I don't remember
GBAdvance: I also don't remember... something about this time era...
DS: Best Buy ($129)
DSi: Amazon ($170)
Virtual Boy: It was some used store that wasn't around for too long... ($50)
Famicom: Mad Gear ($110)
Genesis: Play 'n Trade ($30)
Saturn: eBay
Dreamcast: EBGames ($40)
Game Gear: Another gift
PS1: Gamestop ($70)
PS2: First was actually received by my roommates as a wedding gift, last one is from Circuit City ($117)
JPS2: Mad Gear ($150)
PSP: Amazon ($170)
XBox: The dumpster. Seriously. It was on the side, so I took it, and it worked! ($0)
X360: MicroCenter ($250 pro, though there was a $50 GC with it also.)

Games also come from a variety of sources, new and current games come from Amazon. Slightly OOP games come from Gamestop. (It's the only place to really get Suikoden 5 for $18 anymore.) Very OOP games (ie, pre-Gamestop's current selection) come from eStarland and Play 'n Trade. Imports and a few very rare domestic games come from Mad Gear.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...

usually walmart, gamestop, or Amazon

if it's a new game that I want right now and can't wait I will check usually walmart first gamestop

if it's an older game I usually go with Amazon because their prices are usually better

I started making videos for youtube; check them out.

Contra (No Deaths):

Super C (No Deaths):

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Mike Tyson TKO):

Systems owned: Atari 2600, NES(3), Top loader NES, Yobo NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Gamegear, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Wii, PS3 (slim 120 GB), Wii U

You should congratulate me. I destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. I consider myself a hero.

 gamestop usually, maybe once or twice a year at target.

PS3 at walmart with their 100$ gift card offer. I usually buy all my games off of amazon.

fastyxx said:
I don't think I've bought a game anywhere but for about 2 years.

Wow you're dedicated to Amazon!  I have to say pretty much anywhere with a sale.  Mostly consist of walking in the pawn shop, target or gamestop...not a big fan of ebay b/c of the bidding unless its a really old game...">