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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 3DS Hardware Prediction Sales of 2013!


How many 3DS units will be sold in 2013

Less than 6mil 15 5.56%
6mil+ 4 1.48%
8mil+ 9 3.33%
10mil+ 26 9.63%
12mil+ 40 14.81%
14mil+ 43 15.93%
16mil+ 49 18.15%
18mil+ 26 9.63%
20mil+ 25 9.26%
25mil+ 32 11.85%


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Paquito said:

Thats alot how come so high? Think Nintendo is gonna go all out next year? Jus want to hear your oppinion.

pezus said:

25m+ and they will have predicted over by 57%+, and that's only if it manages 16m actual sales next year. If it does 13m-14m like the past two the 6m crowd will be 56% off and the 20m+ crowd 48%+ off, while the 25m+ crowd will be 85%+ off. So tell me again how 20m+ is "infinitely more likely".

Percent error has no direct correlation to probability... if I showed you an empty 8-ounce glass, then left the room and filled it to the brim with water, came back and claimed it now held 10 ounces of water, I would only be 25% off, as opposed to claiming there were 2 ounces of water in the glass, in which case I would be 75% off. The difference is that it is impossible for the glass to hold 10 ounces of water, which makes the former claim impossible, while the latter claim is entirely possible (though still incorrect).

Now, I'm not saying 6 mil next year for 3DS is outright impossible, but we're not dealing with an absolute here like an empty glass. 6 mil isn't impossible, but it is outrageously improbable. Over 25 mil is somewhat possible, even if not particularly likely. Far more likely than under 6 mil.

Regardless, the option was put there to vote for under 6 mil, so of course people are going to pick it.

I'm going to go with 16 million in 2013 because the price of the 3ds is likely to go down again and all the good games to come in 2013.


Hopefully western schedule get a lot better for next year.

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Japan will do great but america has to do better, Maybe just a small price cut like $149.99 regular $179.99 XL and bundle sometimes be nice

Devil_Survivor said:
I'm going to go with 16 million in 2013 because the price of the 3ds is likely to go down again and all the good games to come in 2013.

some of Big name r announced, but normally they are not all for 2013!others will come!!!

3DS sales for 2013, hmm...well, if last year was 13.25m.

And, if this year is at 11.09m.

13.75m for next year?

trent44 said:
3DS sales for 2013, hmm...well, if last year was 13.25m.

And, if this year is at 11.09m.

13.75m for next year?

Actually since its still 3 weeks left sales have a good possibility to surpass last year. The nexts three weeks might all sell over 750k which will lead into 2013 YOY higher sales!

Wanted to bring this one back!!! Edit: with pokemon gen 6 comining out WW in Oct!!! Gonna get crazy.