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Forums - Sales Discussion - NDS to be Highest Seller of All Time

You want to bann me for telling the truth?? I am a troll just because some people can´t get over the fact that PS2 will not be number one in some months?? Please phone sony germany! Please inform YOURSELF about the facts! They will tell you that the PS2 has been discontinued! You can bann me but it doesn´t change facts!!

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killer7 said:

You want to bann me for telling the truth?? I am a troll just because some people can´t get over the fact that PS2 will not be number one in some months?? Please phone sony germany! Please inform YOURSELF about the facts! They will tell you that the PS2 has been discontinued! You can bann me but it doesn´t change facts!!

You are not telling the truth and you have been proved wrong multiple times and yet you continue to spread FUD in this thread. Stop.

Why don´t you phone Sony Germany?- Simple Question? :)

I think the DS will have outsold the PS2 by the end of this year.

I find it incredibly sad that people still argue about 6/7 year old hardware, but wow guys, arguing over 8/12 year old technology......


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killer7 said:
Why don´t you phone Sony Germany?- Simple Question? :)

Simple answer:

1. Because i don't have to.

2. Because even if the PS2 is no longer being shipped to SOME countries doesn't change the FACT that MILLIONS of PS2's are still being shipped to other countries every year and this is proved by Sony's fiscal reports.

You are wrong, stop trolling and spreading lies.

Sorry, I tried to give facts, but you really appear very agressive! You do not want to phone them because you are afraid of the truth! Sorry! This has nothing got to do with trolling!
Proven by Sonys fiscal reports?? Just they mixed up PS2 and PS3?? They did not give out numbers! If it really has 156 Million please give me a source! Is there any OFFICIAL source saying: "PS2 still in production!" or "Rumor not true", etc...? Why is everybody telling me that the PS2 is discontinued (Shops, Sony Germany/ England/ Austria, etc...)? But YOU and some others know it better than those all? Come on!

killer7 said:
Sorry, I tried to give facts, but you really appear very agressive! You do not want to phone them because you are afraid of the truth! Sorry! This has nothing got to do with trolling!
Proven by Sonys fiscal reports?? Just they mixed up PS2 and PS3?? They did not give out numbers! If it really has 156 Million please give me a source! Is there any OFFICIAL source saying: "PS2 still in production!" or "Rumor not true", etc...? Why is everybody telling me that the PS2 is discontinued (Shops, Sony Germany/ England/ Austria, etc...)? But YOU and some others know it better than those all? Come on!

You can reply a million times but you will never be right because you have already been proven wrong.

You have not given facts, you have just posted your hear say whilst others have posted facts proving you wrong.

The truth is you say you phoned Sony Germany and they told you the PS2 has been discontinued in that country, yet even if it is true that the PS2 has been discontinued in some countries it doesn't change the fact that the PS2 is still sold in many other countries around the world.

And to play your stupid pathetic game, where are there any OFFICIAL sources that say the "PS2 has been discontinued worldwide", where are there any OFFICIAL sources that say the "Rumor is true"? Go on post them.


Sony's official PS2 numbers:

April-June 2011 - 1.4 million

July-September 2011 - 1.2 million

October-December 2011 - 0.9 million

January-March 2011 - 0.6 million

Since then Sony have combined their numbers and stated that in the April-June 2012 quarter the PS3 was down year on year which means as a minimium the PS2 sold at least 1 million in that quarter.


That is the point: I asked the guy if he could officialy confirm this! He told me yes! And i asked him if this was just for europe or WORLDWIDE and he told me that it has been discontinued 3 months ago WORLDWIDE! Hell i WOULD lie if i said that the PS2 was still in production! I just said what i´ve been told! So one possibility would be that this guy lied to me wich i honestly cannot imagine. Peace man, don´t take it so hard!

killer7 said:

That is the point: I asked the guy if he could officialy confirm this! He told me yes! And i asked him if this was just for europe or WORLDWIDE and he told me that it has been discontinued 3 months ago WORLDWIDE! Hell i WOULD lie if i said that the PS2 was still in production! I just said what i´ve been told! So one possibility would be that this guy lied to me wich i honestly cannot imagine. Peace man, don´t take it so hard!

Lol well guess what both you and the guy are wrong then because it is a FACT that Sony still ship PS2's because they say so on their fiscal reports, so yeah don't take it so hard that you're wrong.