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Forums - Sales Discussion - NDS to be Highest Seller of All Time

With what software?? Perhaps Sony shipped a bit more, but we do not know exactly! DS had Pokemon Black/ White 2, What did PS2 had expect FIFA and PES?? You really think these 2 Games on PS2 are selling higher than Pokemon?? Sorry i cannot belive this!

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killer7 said:

So, one person who gets it! Why should Sony lie? This was no rumor! Think about it: If it really was a rumor, that the PS2 was discontinued Sony would have come out some days later and said it was false! As they did not you can asume it is true!

Sony don't have to deny every ridiculous rumor that appears, and no because nothing has been said either way doesn't prove you right.

jonnybmk said:
platformmaster918 said:
jonnybmk said:
Herp derp DS wins.

Why are people denying this?

"Shipped numbers" excuse just sounds more like sour grapes than anything.

Herp derp. :^|

1.) You are such a Nintendo fanboy it's unbelievable.

2.)You really think PS2 has sold nothing from 2011 Christmas-2012 Christmas?

1.) See my sig. I'm a Sony lover but like Nintendo handhelds as well.

2.) I can neither confirm nor deny actions I did not witness (Kirk). I'm just looking at sales numbers on a sales website.

Your looking at a sales sight that doesn't track PS2. Herp Derpidoo this makes sense!

A_C_E said:
jonnybmk said:
platformmaster918 said:
jonnybmk said:
Herp derp DS wins.

Why are people denying this?

"Shipped numbers" excuse just sounds more like sour grapes than anything.

Herp derp. :^|

1.) You are such a Nintendo fanboy it's unbelievable.

2.)You really think PS2 has sold nothing from 2011 Christmas-2012 Christmas?

1.) See my sig. I'm a Sony lover but like Nintendo handhelds as well.

2.) I can neither confirm nor deny actions I did not witness (Kirk). I'm just looking at sales numbers on a sales website.

Your looking at a sales sight that doesn't track PS2. Herp Derpidoo this makes sense!


jonnybmk said:
A_C_E said:
jonnybmk said:
platformmaster918 said:
jonnybmk said:
Herp derp DS wins.

Why are people denying this?

"Shipped numbers" excuse just sounds more like sour grapes than anything.

Herp derp. :^|

1.) You are such a Nintendo fanboy it's unbelievable.

2.)You really think PS2 has sold nothing from 2011 Christmas-2012 Christmas?

1.) See my sig. I'm a Sony lover but like Nintendo handhelds as well.

2.) I can neither confirm nor deny actions I did not witness (Kirk). I'm just looking at sales numbers on a sales website.

Your looking at a sales sight that doesn't track PS2. Herp Derpidoo this makes sense!


lol, wow I usually check my spelling before I post. Thanks for fixing.

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KylieDog said:
miz1q2w3e said:

This is why I can never link to VGC numbers on other forums.  Everyone always says VGC is a load of shit and is not credible, and here is a VGC article trolling for hits based on data it knows is wrong.

It's accurate enough for this gen starting at DS all the way to Wii U. Your practically getting accurate numbers on the fly.

cookingyourmama said:
killer7 said:

So, one person who gets it! Why should Sony lie? This was no rumor! Think about it: If it really was a rumor, that the PS2 was discontinued Sony would have come out some days later and said it was false! As they did not you can asume it is true!

Sony don't have to deny every ridiculous rumor that appears, and no because nothing has been said either way doesn't prove you right.

There's two big things that killer7 is ignoring that proves the PS2 is still in production.  One, Sony is still shipping PS2s.  If they weren't manufactoring them anymore, then there would be no reason to ship any to retailers.  And the bigger point, SONY HASN'T ANNOUNCED THEY HAVE STOPPED PRODUCTION OF THEM.  If Sony were to stop making the PS2, they would release a huge PR statement talking about the PS2's legacy, as well as give the final numbers for HW and SW.

They are just afraid that Nintendo DS passes it thats why they do not say anything! I want to be a polite person! I am not some sort of fanatic or something! I am a 31 year old student! I have experience in sourcing articles! I will explain it to you: PLEASE read this before you say bad words to me:

1.) The Playstation has been discontinued! I put this in context with 3 main sources- if rumor or not- belive what you want:

For understanding the german source: The concern was anouncing that the PS2 is no longer in production! In the 12 years of production, over 154 million units where produced and sold (in german: gebaut und verkauft)! There is nothing in this source that suspets a rumor! (The Psone has been discontinued after 12 years as well!) If you do not belive this, here is another source, INDEPENDENT of this twitter thing. The Sony online store in the US says PS2 including acsessoirs (sorry grammar) is "no longer awailible"- here you are:

An Austrian newspaper, "Der Standard" wich is well knowen and international accepted as a reliable high quality newspaper also says so:

And this newspaper is knowen for being extremley ANTI NINTENDO!!

And then vgchartz puts in a news! I think i do not have to link this!

Plus Sony did NOT announce Black Friday sales numbers for PS2! Or did they? I think you can look this up!

So in conclusio we got: Austrian newspaper, vgchartz, us onlinestore, and the abstance of PS2 numbers from black friday!

Another thing: I made a phone call to sony austria and sony germany! BOTH confirmed, that the PS2 is NO LONGER PRODUCED! If you want i can give u the number to ask for yourself! vgchartz is the only side where members insanely try to denie this! And now i ask you: How many more evidences are needed to accept, that the PS2 is discontinued??

killer7 said:

Blah, blah, blah.

You are being a fanatic about this.  And you can continue to deny that the PS2 is no longer in production, however, that doesn't change things in the real world.  Companies announce when they are going to stop production of their products, whether in a small blip only a few see or, what will most likely be the PS2's case, a long press statement about the product's legacy.  They also WILL give final numbers for it.  My guess is the DS and the PS2 will both be disontinued at the same time.  Give or take a few months. 

All that still doesn't change the fact that even with the numbers we have from Nov '11, the DS still hasn't passed the PS2s numbers.  Might tie them this year.  And if you want to believe that the PS2 is no longer produced/shipped, you better get on this site for MASSIVELY undertracking the PS3 when compared to the shipment numbers Sony gives us.

killer7 said:


If you do not belive this, here is another source, INDEPENDENT of this twitter thing. The Sony online store in the US says PS2 including acsessoirs (sorry grammar) is "no longer awailible"- here you are:

An Austrian newspaper, "Der Standard" wich is well knowen and international accepted as a reliable high quality newspaper also says so:


If you'd read the article, they mention VGChartz as their source in the first paragraph:

"Nintendos Handheld-Konsole DS ist das meistverkaufte Videospielsystem aller Zeiten. Dies berichten die Marktbeobachter von VGChartz."*

That means they didn't do their own research, and copied what VGChartz reported about their own numbers.

The only interesting thing you bring to the table right now is the fact that Sony apparently doesn't sell PS2 consoles and accesoiries themselves anymore. This doesn't mean they've discontinued it however. It's not discontinued until they themselves make this known through a press-release. The fact that Sony doesn't sell anymore can however be regarded as evidence for the rumour (that it will be discontinued 'soon').


EDIT: *For Non-German speaking/reading people here: "Nintendo's handheld console 'DS' has become the best selling video-game system of all time. This reports market observer 'VGChartz'."