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killer7 said:

Blah, blah, blah.

You are being a fanatic about this.  And you can continue to deny that the PS2 is no longer in production, however, that doesn't change things in the real world.  Companies announce when they are going to stop production of their products, whether in a small blip only a few see or, what will most likely be the PS2's case, a long press statement about the product's legacy.  They also WILL give final numbers for it.  My guess is the DS and the PS2 will both be disontinued at the same time.  Give or take a few months. 

All that still doesn't change the fact that even with the numbers we have from Nov '11, the DS still hasn't passed the PS2s numbers.  Might tie them this year.  And if you want to believe that the PS2 is no longer produced/shipped, you better get on this site for MASSIVELY undertracking the PS3 when compared to the shipment numbers Sony gives us.