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They are just afraid that Nintendo DS passes it thats why they do not say anything! I want to be a polite person! I am not some sort of fanatic or something! I am a 31 year old student! I have experience in sourcing articles! I will explain it to you: PLEASE read this before you say bad words to me:

1.) The Playstation has been discontinued! I put this in context with 3 main sources- if rumor or not- belive what you want:

For understanding the german source: The concern was anouncing that the PS2 is no longer in production! In the 12 years of production, over 154 million units where produced and sold (in german: gebaut und verkauft)! There is nothing in this source that suspets a rumor! (The Psone has been discontinued after 12 years as well!) If you do not belive this, here is another source, INDEPENDENT of this twitter thing. The Sony online store in the US says PS2 including acsessoirs (sorry grammar) is "no longer awailible"- here you are:

An Austrian newspaper, "Der Standard" wich is well knowen and international accepted as a reliable high quality newspaper also says so:

And this newspaper is knowen for being extremley ANTI NINTENDO!!

And then vgchartz puts in a news! I think i do not have to link this!

Plus Sony did NOT announce Black Friday sales numbers for PS2! Or did they? I think you can look this up!

So in conclusio we got: Austrian newspaper, vgchartz, us onlinestore, and the abstance of PS2 numbers from black friday!

Another thing: I made a phone call to sony austria and sony germany! BOTH confirmed, that the PS2 is NO LONGER PRODUCED! If you want i can give u the number to ask for yourself! vgchartz is the only side where members insanely try to denie this! And now i ask you: How many more evidences are needed to accept, that the PS2 is discontinued??