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Forums - General Discussion - Which group on this site are more extreme, relentless, ferocious?



nintendo gamers 57 23.95%
sony gamers 109 45.80%
microsoft.gamers 31 13.03%
pc gamers 8 3.36%
mobile gamers 3 1.26%
something else 9 3.78%
ewoks 21 8.82%
kowenicki said:
pokoko said:
The two worst members of this site owe their allegiance to Microsoft, though it seems like they're more about hating Sony than anything else. To me, people like that aren't really gamers, they're just haters. Still, they don't have a lot of backup.

Normally I'd consider it a tie between Nintendo and Sony but the Vita situation has thrown off that balance. I see a lot of classless attacks on the Vita, which makes me kind of sad. Not as a Sony fan but as a video-game fan. I want a healthy gaming industry more than anything and this wish people have to see something someone else enjoys fail strikes me as pathetic and childish.

So I'm going to vote Nintendo because so many of its fans seem to actively want the Vita, and thus everyone who owns one, to go through difficult times. In my opinion, that's pretty much the worst aspect of this hobby.


Just to say those two are outnumbered by about... oh... 20 to 1.


My pet hate is the people on this site are the ones who pretend to be balanced and objective.  Usually it is wrapped up in a pseudo intellect and a high moral ground that occasionally cracks to reveal the truth.  Two... oh hang three, people I can think of like that.

THIS. Couldn't express it better myself. There is one person in particular who REALLY gets my goat.

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JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
i wouldnt generalize and say any group are "extreme, relentless, ferocious?" all 3 companies have fans on this site and users that are to simply say it, are a pain. but if i were to say what what group have the most of those members i would say the nintendo group. and the reason why i say that is because they think nintendo and their games are flawless and way better than anything else and that all games are simply inferior to nintendo games and that everything thing that nintendo does in "innovation". and some (though they are a few) think they have the right to mock and make fun of others just because they know thats not case. of course all 3 groups have these types of people but i see it more with nintendo fans than anywhere else

also alot of posts are talking about users on this site without mentioning who they really are, i wonder how much are about me :P

Well if we name people off we will get moderated. I think you may have a preferred console but you seem pretty level headed for the most part too rather than blindly sticking up for a company because of their logo.  So i doubt too many are talking about you haha

haha im usually level headed and at times sarcastic, but in a thread or two i got in some heated discussion's and people were relentless with me so i also became relentless in those specific threads i admit lol

ps3-sales! said:


There are mostly Nintendo-fans on this site, so I say them. That's most likely why it has the most votes on the poll. I also think Nintendo gamers are the most annoying. It's just weird how they think their console/games appeal to the hardcore audience when they, more often than not, don't. I love a lot of Nintendo consoles/games, but they are for a different audience than the Ps360 and the fans need to recognize that. 


Microsoft and Sony fans are about the same. Microsoft likes to brag about how their exclusives sell gangbusters (which they indeed do), how kinect sells software (even though the games are largly hated by reviewers), and how live is worth every penny (which it honestly isn't). Also they bring up how 360 usually has the best exclusives year in and year out (this year 360 had Forza Horizon-good, Halo 4-great, and, and, and..... that's it)



Sony fans tend to think they didn't blatently copy Nintendo on the PsMove (which is exactly what they did), say that all third-party games are equal experiences on Ps360 (which they are not, more often than not run a bit better on 360, don't get me started on Skyrim), argue that PSN is loads better than Xbox live because it's free (Trust me cross game chat is almost worth the entire $50 live price), and hype up the Vita even though realistically it's not close (software wise) to the DS/3DS and really doesn't have a chance to succeed in the handheld business due to Nintendo's EXTREME dominance. 


DId I miss anything? No? Thanks. It's been a blast guys. I'll be here all week. 

Good post lol


I can't believe ColecoVision gamers weren't included! We are pure EVIL!!

The height of Sony fans being silly, was when we had the Sony leader, megaman. Praise Kaz and Praise Ken threads were funny too.

Whats funnier about it is, megaman was an Xbox fan and is frequently on his 360.


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From my experience, it's definitely Sony fans. I own all of the currently available systems, so I go into a lot of forums. Without a doubt, there are more Sony fans causing trouble in non Sony forums than anyone else. I would say a very close second would be Android people. The hate towards Apple simply amazes me. They call people who buy Apple products sheep, yet as soon as a new Samsung Galaxy comes out, they rush right out to buy one. They complain that Apple has a new phone every year, but guess what, Samsung releases a new Galaxy every year. If you don't like a companies products, fine don't buy them, but what's with the desire to see the company go out of business...seems awful petty to me. I'd say Xbox/Windows fans come in third and Nintendo fans come in close to last. While Nintendo fans go a bit overboard in their own forums, they don't cause much trouble elsewhere.

One of my many reasons for Sony fans being the worst...I had my Blu-ray drive access in my PS3 "disappeared" immediately after a firmware update. It wouldn't show any disc that was in the system at all. The unit was less than a year old, so I figured I was fine as it was covered under warranty. I called Sony, and told them of my usual, they said that they never heard of the problem happening to anyone else. I asked them about repairing it and we started to move forward until they said that I had to either fax a copy of the receipt or would have to include it in the shipping box. The system was a gift from my wife who never saves receipts. I told them that I didn't have the receipt (which by the way had to be a retail store receipt, so anyone that bought one off eBay new was out of luck too) and they said that the repair was going to cost me $150 even though the manufacture date on the system was last than a year old. So I took to the PS3 forums to see if anyone else had a problem with the update. I told my story and immediately got hate from all directions. "They downloaded the update without problems", so I must be lying. I got that response from several people. I watched the thread for a few days and more people started posting about having the same problem I had. Again, they were attacked and called liars. I simple went into the group for advice and help and got attacked for it.

Stop hating and start playing.

Carl2291 said:
The height of Sony fans being silly, was when we had the Sony leader, megaman. Praise Kaz and Praise Ken threads were funny too.

Whats funnier about it is, megaman was an Xbox fan and is frequently on his 360.

So you guys are basically disacknowledging him as well?

pezus said:
kowenicki said:
pezus said:
kowenicki said:
pezus said:
kowenicki said:

I dont think I did.  It was Serious Business.  B_E_L_I_E_V_E

*rolls eyes* Yeah, you missed it lol.

Were you even active then?  I must find the threads... it was hilarious to watch.

I was active in the sense that I frequented the forums but didn't post much. It was funny, and a way to talk about something else than "PS3/Sony is doomed". And it looks like the believers did help, just look at the PS3 now!

yep that thread turned things around for Sony, they showed the world!  *rolls eyes*

Again missing the point. It wasn't about showing the world, it was about showing confidence and holding off while they were being bombarded with doom threads and news. You may not have noticed that as you've been busy on another side.

You mean like the same ones that Sony fans are bombarding Nintendo forums with in regards to the  Wii U?

Stop hating and start playing.

I won´t vote for anything but imo the Sonys don´t have much humor :P

kowenicki said:

Numerical facts are biased now?

When people report or make threads about only the negative "numerical facts" it can be seen as biased. Like if I were to make a thread every time a Nintendo console doesn't sell particularly well or their stock goes down or something would that not come across as biased?

Not saying anything specifically about you Kowen (I don't know about many of your threads), but I'm just saying that using factual information doesn't automatically make you fair and balanced... it largely depends on the context.