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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%

The nearly Zero releases in Jan in the US is killing the Wii U. Things will get better, especially after what we saw in the ND, then there is hopefully the third party ND this upcoming month. But until games start to come out we should see lack luster sales especially since it is the most expensive system currently with a relatively small library witch some are ports from the other consoles. The good news is the Wii U should out preform the HD consoles of last gen, since it has past all but the PS3 and those numbers are launch to the end of March. It should pop up over 100k a week starting next month when games start to come out for the system.

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Wii U seems to be doing OK compared to the PS3 and the X360. We'll see how that goes throughout the rest of this month and the next few months...

pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
Wii U seems to be doing OK compared to the PS3 and the X360. We'll see how that goes throughout the rest of this month and the next few months...

39k vs. 144k (360) and 80k (PS3-no Europe) is extremely bad. No sugar-coating. It's just that, really, really bad. Look at the PS3/360 weekly sales going into Feb and March; WiiU sales are not going anywhere but down until there's a price cut and/or a system seller.

I'm looking at the graphs, here. Superchunk's graphs show that (right now) the Wii U is above the PS3 and X360. Besides, I was never sugarcoating it. I know the Wii U isn't doing anywhere as good as the Wii was.

Plus, I already saw that 39k figure. And I said it sucked.

pezus said:

WiiU right now is above PS3/360, but practically the only reason it's above PS3 is because it didn't have Europe sales. That won't last for long though, which is why I'd say it's not doing OK compared to them.

I said that...

So that's what the PS3's sudden jump is for? It got released in Europe? Well, hopefully Wii U will get some boosts from it's upcoming games so that it can keep up with the PS3, at the least.

Conegamer said:

Your graph on the front page may be inaccurate. This page says Wii U sales (without this week I think) are at 2.55mil. Your graph seems to be just a little below that. Were there adjustments in previous weeks? It's probably not worth changing it until Nintendo releases their figures though.

Regardless, Wii U is certainly slowing down and they will not hit their projections. Interestingly, however, Wii U (even with these numbers which are perhaps too low) has already outsold the 360 through to March. Goes to show that launching first doesn't pay dividends, and indeed that first console out often struggles at launch.

Come the end of March I see Wii U at 3-3.5mil

I have the exact data (now including this week of jan 19th) from VGC weekly charts. I think that graph is missing updates.

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Week 8 of the cumulative Media Create sales comparison...


superchunk said:

It's flatlining, get the defibrulator. Better yet, what game(s) can shock it back into growth and when are they releasing?

superchunk said:
ok updated with jan12 numbers. It should be clear that WiiU is not going to meet Nintendo's forecasts now as the retailers won't allow them to put that much into the channel.

In fact, I'm thinking it will be at least down to 4m shipped by end of March at best vs the 5.5m Nintendo planned.

Good prediction as that is exactly what Nintendo changed their forecast to.  Though I suspect they won't actually make it to 4 million through March.

Ok, I updated the info based on the investor's meeting and I took another snapshot of the poll.

Its interesting to note the change in attitude from holidays sales, to post holiday sales, and what it will be now with a lower shipped estimation.

For reference, I voted "maybe" and "no" in the first two polls.

I had to vote "maybe" this time around again... they have to ship 1 million units in 2 months, but if the sales keep on in this pace.... Man, this is just awful ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.