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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 720 Might Lack A Years Advantage

riderz13371 said:
JayWood2010 said:
riderz13371 said:

Still not funny, but apparently people does or else they wouldn't have posted about it.

As for the thread, this is a duplicate.

LOL, you and Sales2099 don't count. You just don't like me very much.

No I dont like you, one of the few people on this site that I don't like.  Still though it is annoying and I'd say that even if I did like you.

Hold up i'll brb. Trying to find the fucks I give. 

If you don't care then don't reply to me bringing me back in here. 


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I've predicted Sony to release PS4 in spring '14, but it wouldn't surprise me if Sony were to "shock the world" releasing PS4 after their E3 '13 showing. Yes its a Sega Saturn type move, however, they need to make some headlines & this I feel would be a pleasant surprise to ALL gamers, and 1 ups MS by at least a half yr.

Does Sony got that type of gangsta move in them, or are they status quo, slowly fading out as M(onster)$oft beats that ass again?

kowenicki said:
The lack of a one year head start doesn't matter this gen, they are established now. So releasing together is fine for both imo.

What really matters is being 1 year late. If either is 1 year later than the other (be it MS or Sony) then they will have a mountain to climb.

If they both release the same week, which do you think will sell more lifetime?
Assuming both of them are priced similarly and both are similar in power as well.

People that mostly play games online will choose the console based on their particular online friends/clans/community.

People that mostly play single player games will choose Sony as their platform because that is where you find the most quality and diversity for single player stuff.

People that mostly play/enjoy games local multiplayer will choose Nintendo as their platform.


I enjoy local multiplayer and single player so I will have Nintendo and Sony consoles. The Microsoft console purchase will depend on the few exclusive games they have and whether they are sufficient for me to buy their console. I am done paying for XBL just to try their games online  (which is never a lasting experience for me even if I enjoy a little bit).

What matters the most here is which console gets the best exclusive titles that everyone wants to play, also, which console actually has most processing power and breaks less, good quality components.

Of course, if they are late to the market, they will indeed lose thousands of buyers since most only buy a single console. Their main competitor will be the PS4 and not the wii u, its a different audience.  and yes, its exactly one year from now.

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This just in, the 720 didn't release in November 2011, which would have given it a 1 year head start over the competition.

It's funny, MS delayed the Xbox so it could be significantly more powerful than the PS2 and gave a one year an advantage. Then it reverse on the PS3/Xbox 360. Now I think they are going to launch around the same time, but if the manufacturing rumors are true, then one may be delayed.

(There should be a game where you make Fanboys fight! )

I think people will be mostly loyal to their brands at first - then later it will dependent more on what games they want to play.

Oh, and my favorite Bieber video: (not for the squeemish!)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

He seems right on the money, the PS4 and 720 should be out next year I'm also predicting a PS3 pricecut also :)

sales2099 said:

Duplicate thread. We allready agreed like 100% that whatever Patcher says is wrong. Ergo PS4 is a 2014 console.

Besides, Sony says they "want" to launch with MS, but want and actually do are two different things. Personally, I dont think Sony knows what they are doing anymore from a business perspective (Vita being the most recent example)

LOL...Sony needs to quit with the Vita, I definitely can agree on that but the PS3 has been profitable. Microsoft gave away their top shooter at the end of a gen and is beginning a new one in the same year as Sony whom hasn't launched Uncharted, Killzone or InFamous yet on their scheduled dates. Now, within their studios that are within the arsenal of Sony lies the beating heart of  true game developers that have creativity and vast options which has set them apart from both Nintendo and Microsoft. You know all they need are some hot new IP's with brand appeal and marketability and they are set. Microsoft just caught up in production levels with Halo 4,  so lets see if they can create something new next gen that isn't a shooter. My money is on a shooter!


sales2099 said:

Duplicate thread. We allready agreed like 100% that whatever Patcher says is wrong. Ergo PS4 is a 2014 console.

Besides, Sony says they "want" to launch with MS, but want and actually do are two different things. Personally, I dont think Sony knows what they are doing anymore from a business perspective (Vita being the most recent example)

do you have more industry info and contacts than pachter does?