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sales2099 said:

Duplicate thread. We allready agreed like 100% that whatever Patcher says is wrong. Ergo PS4 is a 2014 console.

Besides, Sony says they "want" to launch with MS, but want and actually do are two different things. Personally, I dont think Sony knows what they are doing anymore from a business perspective (Vita being the most recent example)

LOL...Sony needs to quit with the Vita, I definitely can agree on that but the PS3 has been profitable. Microsoft gave away their top shooter at the end of a gen and is beginning a new one in the same year as Sony whom hasn't launched Uncharted, Killzone or InFamous yet on their scheduled dates. Now, within their studios that are within the arsenal of Sony lies the beating heart of  true game developers that have creativity and vast options which has set them apart from both Nintendo and Microsoft. You know all they need are some hot new IP's with brand appeal and marketability and they are set. Microsoft just caught up in production levels with Halo 4,  so lets see if they can create something new next gen that isn't a shooter. My money is on a shooter!