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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

Unnamed crowd: "Wahwahwah leave Britney Vita alone! I love my Vita, stop dooming it, wait at least until after E3 TGS Christmas before you judge it, it will surely pick up! Wait for Gravity Rush LBPV Call of Duty Liberation Soul Sacrifice to save the system!"


Same crowd, 2 Days after Wii U launched in one of three territories without any sales numbers yet released: 



Keep it up, guys. I'm sure some day, you will finally be right. Just like Pachter.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Around the Network
Train wreck said:
But Ill save the trouble

Hardcore Nintendo fans:

-Metro Last light is a has been FPS anyway
-LOLLLL THQ will be bankrupt anyway, thank god we dont get this trash
-Points to Darkstriders
-I only play Nintendo games on Nintendo Consoles duh
-Perfect example of a lazy developer

Current HD PS/360
If the Wii U cant get this game, they can forget about GTAV muahahahaha
Wii U underpowered...who knew?
Nintendo, welcome to the current generation.

Please feel free to add more...

You pretty much summed up everyone's reaction. Now what do i say

hurry guys! we must take our wii u to the backyard and shoot it immediately! what a piece of garbage!

green_sky said:
Train wreck said:
But Ill save the trouble

Hardcore Nintendo fans:

-Metro Last light is a has been FPS anyway
-LOLLLL THQ will be bankrupt anyway, thank god we dont get this trash
-Points to Darkstriders
-I only play Nintendo games on Nintendo Consoles duh
-Perfect example of a lazy developer

Current HD PS/360
If the Wii U cant get this game, they can forget about GTAV muahahahaha
Wii U underpowered...who knew?
Nintendo, welcome to the current generation.

Please feel free to add more...

You pretty much summed up everyone's reaction. Now what do i say

The funny thing is that he laid out my post, point for point (sans Darksiders), seconds after i posted it.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I so wish I could "yeah" and "unyeah" some of these posts!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
darkknightkryta said:

A bit curious Rol, but how much weaker of a console would you have taken?  I mean, if Nintendo would wanted to have kept their profit margin in the price, how weak of a console would you have been willing to buy for the same price?

Remove the Gamepad and 1GB reserved for the OS insanities, suddenly you have a reasonably powerful system for a reasonable price, i.e. it would be possibly to hit $/€299 with a game included, plus Nintendo making profit right out of the gate. After the 3DS, this is yet another case where Nintendo drove up the hardware price due to the inclusion of features that don't hold much value; and the price is going to hurt them.

The whole idea that the Wii didn't get quality third party support due to a lack of processing power is inherently flawed. To all those people who in all those years insisted that Nintendo would have gotten ports, if their hardware was in the same ballpark as the 360 and PS3, what do you say now? This isn't about Metro, but all those other games that won't be coming.

Wouldn't have happened with more powerful hardware either way.  We both know U.S. third parties have a grudge against Nintendo.  But back to my original question; you didn't care for the controller?  I know this is completely off topic, but what would have been impressive for Nintendo to have done?  Is the controller too much of a "me too" or should they have gone a standard controller, more power/profit, for the same price?

Roma said:
chapset said:
Now it's: who cares we buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games
1 year from now it will be : why third parties don't support the Wii U wa!wa!wa!wa!wa

I don't think anybody buys Nintendo consoles for 3rd party games lol

people who buy Nintendo consoles buy them for Nintendo games and its always been that way so nothing has changed!

Not always, Roma...this started with the N64, it certainly wasn´t like that with the NES and SNES.

Would it be possible, for once, to ignore this bullshit? Why do you keep posting it on VG? Nobody really cares about THQ'S opinions! Everybody should stop feeding the trolls and doom and gloom surrounding Wii U's launch

I buy 3rd party games.

LOL slower CPU doesn't mean it is weaker.

My Athlon 64 was much faster than my i7,. byt which is better? think about it?

Basiclaly to transalte what he is saying. OUr game was designed to utilize high clock speed. We too lazy to reprogram the game proply to utizlise gfc card.