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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii has a fantastic 3rd party game library

regin2005 said:

Out of that whole list, nine of them I'd like to try out one day. One that stood out to me was the Sid Meier Pirate game. Is that somewhat similar to his Civ games?

It's the 2nd remake of a true classic, a simulation of the life of a pirate.

Info about the original game from 1987:! (which I never played)
1st remake from 1993/1994 (called Pirates! Gold): (I played it on PC back then and loved it)
2nd remake from 2004:!_%282004_video_game%29 (that's the one that's been released on numerous system over the years including Wii; I played it on PC, Xbox and PSP)

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While I think the Wii definitely had some gems, in terms of consistent releases of good-excellent quality games, you just got to give it to the PS3. One could argue that the Wii had better first party games and even I might agree with that, but the PS3 had so many great 3rd party and 1st party games that even with my loyalty to Nintendo I can deny that it's the king of this gen. Then, of course, there's that little, underground game called Metal Gear Solid 4 which is not only the best game of this gen, but also the best freaking game ever made (arguably).

Stop comparing it to others, value is not measured by comparison

Gamerace, a apreciate your participation you really sound like a true gamer ;)

DieAppleDie said:
Many people here talkin out of their asses, saddening really, not a single mature response from non Ninty fans
i guess world keeps rolling


This response annoys me more than it probably should, the idea that every non-Ninty fan has been immature while you just spout out things like "Wii 3rd party lineup is as good as the PS2" which I believe you were just trying to lead to the idea that it had as good of graphics but you refuse to listen to any objection to that largely rejected opinion.  I don't think your thread warrants a mature response.  


so you agree that responses from non Nintendo fans are being inmature then Torillian, good
its just that only some Nintendo fans seem to be reasonable on this matter, while others just spout the same shit has been said for years, even if they dont have a clue if it is real or not.

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well, now that i have looked up for past comments, i think i ve been unfair with you Torillian, you really took my opinion seriously and tried to discuss the matter like normal people do
the sad part is, most of the other posters didnt, my previous comment still stands strong for them
my apologies big T

Torillian said:
DieAppleDie said:
Many people here talkin out of their asses, saddening really, not a single mature response from non Ninty fans
i guess world keeps rolling


This response annoys me more than it probably should, the idea that every non-Ninty fan has been immature while you just spout out things like "Wii 3rd party lineup is as good as the PS2" which I believe you were just trying to lead to the idea that it had as good of graphics but you refuse to listen to any objection to that largely rejected opinion.  I don't think your thread warrants a mature response.  

THIS! I find it funny that he accuses "non-Ninty" fans of trolling when just about everyone who has posted in this thread so far, Ninty fan or not pretty much thinks you are missing a channels in your basic cable. The fact that he put up a list of games that I would bet that he didnt even play half of them...who really is talking out their ass?

obviously Nintendo fans dont act like that on Nintendo, those are mostly people who are uninformed or have strong bias and are blinded, and those are non-nintendo fans....pretty clear

This list reminds me of how terrible the wii 3rd party offerings have been, so thanks for reopening old wounds. Conduit 1 and 2? Baroque? Resident Evil Rail shooters? Please stop torturing me.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

Actually you named some good ones that would get fantastic reviews if released on the PS2/GC/Xbox
well baroque got awful reviews, but has an 8 of users reviews on metacritic