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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forza Horizon and Halo 4 Prove 360 is a magical Beast!

I think what the latest "AAA" games on 7 year old platforms proves that optimization is a magical beast.

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Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Am I the only one that supports Sony, not for the PS3 being stronger or weaker? Like.. who cares?

I support Sony for their decision in having so many talented developers working to push the console. I pity that MS only is getting there now. As a gamer, I feel disgusted that it took so long. Just look at the reactions in this thread. Have you all been sitting and rolling your thumbs for the last 4-5 years? I am aware that there have been stunning looking games for the 360. But the way you act now doesnt display that, at all. Maybe it is true and MS hasnt even been able to compete at all until today. We are arguing that a game of 2012 is up to par with 2009-2010 and 2011. I mean thats ridicilous in all honesty! It SHOULDNT be like this.

And with next year around the corner and Sony having 3 titles, I mean.. lol.

I just find it funny. To me Gears 3 was close enough for me to tell that the console is obviously able to produce awesome stuff. BUT the focus just isnt there. Halo 4 and Forza Horizon but to what extent? Uncharted 3, Uncharted 2, God of War III, Killzone 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4. Im glad you guys got two titles to be happy about. I for one, would not be pleased. And its not about the console at all. Its about the approach of Microsoft, it differs too much from mine. I for one, am glad that I get to experience TWO new IPs: The Last Of Us, Beyond and have SSM do their second God of War next year. We should all ask more from MS. We really should. Yes you can throw in Gears for MS too, or any other game you want. Doesnt change the fact that for 4 consecutive years (08-11), Sony has been praised by the critics over and over. The bar could be even higher if MS would remotely care and try harder, pushing Sony even moreso.

LOL every time any new 360 title is out its always touted as best ever. when i used to own a 360 and finally played these said games they looked OK at best.

in comparison to ps3's best offerings they will always be behind. anyone who doesnt own a 360 buy one and see yourself the games are excellent but visually not upto ps3's best.

of course its without saying anytime a good solid looking 360 title arrives to the fanB it will always seem much greater than it actually is combined with fanboy reviews a kind "frenzy" erups on forums which will die down after a few weeks

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

They do it with each shooter that's released :

"Halo Reach is graphic !" mhh, wait, I mean : "Crysis 2 is graphic king !" ...wooops, nevermind, "Battlefield 3 is graphic king !" ... sorry, actually "Halo 4 is graphic king !"

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yo_john117 said:
So I found out that games look amazing on a small computer monitor. Seriously on a 19 inch monitor Halo 4 looks better than anything else out there (and it wasn't even in HD). Can't wait to play other games to see how good they look on that monitor! Screw big HDTV's lol (which is kind of ironic since I recently bought a 46 inch HDTV)

Yeah you're onto something there. I'm playing on a projector and not a single jaggie or shimmer, low-res texture or effect, angular rock/tree or uncorrectly scaled texture can slip by. The 6.7ft wide 33 degree field of view makes up for it though.
Bring on next-gen with less distracting trickery.

Halo 4 looks great but does anyone else get the feeling that the scale feels wrong now and then. Some textures are not scaled right. It's the same how you can instantly spot a scale model in water. Scratches, dents, etc on metal also have their own inherent scale, same as scuffmarks on rubber. The outside of that big truck at the start of Reclaimer felt all wrong. Instead of it looking 3 stories high, it made me feel 10 inches tall instead. The 700ft ship in the background also looks like a scale model, at least in this level.
I had the same weird feeling before inside the planet where you go through the portals, the metal beams overhead were out of scale. And while driving the tank in Infinity. Flash backs to Beyond good and evil where it seems like you're piloting a little toy instead of a big tank. Maybe the zoomed out camera caused that one.

Anyway Reclaimer has been a bit of a bust so far graphic and gameplay wise. Although the ship, or underground base interior I guess, looks awesome. I'm ready for the next level and find that crash site.

SvennoJ said:
yo_john117 said:
So I found out that games look amazing on a small computer monitor. Seriously on a 19 inch monitor Halo 4 looks better than anything else out there (and it wasn't even in HD). Can't wait to play other games to see how good they look on that monitor! Screw big HDTV's lol (which is kind of ironic since I recently bought a 46 inch HDTV)

Yeah you're onto something there. I'm playing on a projector and not a single jaggie or shimmer, low-res texture or effect, angular rock/tree or uncorrectly scaled texture can slip by. The 6.7ft wide 33 degree field of view makes up for it though.
Bring on next-gen with less distracting trickery.

Halo 4 looks great but does anyone else get the feeling that the scale feels wrong now and then. Some textures are not scaled right. It's the same how you can instantly spot a scale model in water. Scratches, dents, etc on metal also have their own inherent scale, same as scuffmarks on rubber. The outside of that big truck at the start of Reclaimer felt all wrong. Instead of it looking 3 stories high, it made me feel 10 inches tall instead. The 700ft ship in the background also looks like a scale model, at least in this level.
I had the same weird feeling before inside the planet where you go through the portals, the metal beams overhead were out of scale. And while driving the tank in Infinity. Flash backs to Beyond good and evil where it seems like you're piloting a little toy instead of a big tank. Maybe the zoomed out camera caused that one.

Anyway Reclaimer has been a bit of a bust so far graphic and gameplay wise. Although the ship, or underground base interior I guess, looks awesome. I'm ready for the next level and find that crash site.

You must just be looking at it funny because I never noticed any scaled issues at all. The giant stuff made me feel small, but only because they looked so big.

Skeeuk said:
LOL every time any new 360 title is out its always touted as best ever. when i used to own a 360 and finally played these said games they looked OK at best.

in comparison to ps3's best offerings they will always be behind. anyone who doesnt own a 360 buy one and see yourself the games are excellent but visually not upto ps3's best.

of course its without saying anytime a good solid looking 360 title arrives to the fanB it will always seem much greater than it actually is combined with fanboy reviews a kind "frenzy" erups on forums which will die down after a few weeks

The PS3 crowd are also gulity of this.

Aldro said:

Am I the only one that supports Sony, not for the PS3 being stronger or weaker? Like.. who cares?

I support Sony for their decision in having so many talented developers working to push the console. I pity that MS only is getting there now. As a gamer, I feel disgusted that it took so long. Just look at the reactions in this thread. Have you all been sitting and rolling your thumbs for the last 4-5 years? I am aware that there have been stunning looking games for the 360. But the way you act now doesnt display that, at all. Maybe it is true and MS hasnt even been able to compete at all until today. We are arguing that a game of 2012 is up to par with 2009-2010 and 2011. I mean thats ridicilous in all honesty! It SHOULDNT be like this.

And with next year around the corner and Sony having 3 titles, I mean.. lol.

I just find it funny. To me Gears 3 was close enough for me to tell that the console is obviously able to produce awesome stuff. BUT the focus just isnt there. Halo 4 and Forza Horizon but to what extent? Uncharted 3, Uncharted 2, God of War III, Killzone 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4. Im glad you guys got two titles to be happy about. I for one, would not be pleased. And its not about the console at all. Its about the approach of Microsoft, it differs too much from mine. I for one, am glad that I get to experience TWO new IPs: The Last Of Us, Beyond and have SSM do their second God of War next year. We should all ask more from MS. We really should. Yes you can throw in Gears for MS too, or any other game you want. Doesnt change the fact that for 4 consecutive years (08-11), Sony has been praised by the critics over and over. The bar could be even higher if MS would remotely care and try harder, pushing Sony even moreso.

kain_kusanagi said:

You must just be looking at it funny because I never noticed any scaled issues at all. The giant stuff made me feel small, but only because they looked so big.

Just look at the textures compared to the normal sized vehicles. It's a lazy trick to avoid repeating texture patterns. The inside is fine, feels odd though like it's not part of the same vehicle because it seems to be at a different scale.