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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 Sign-up thread

Can I play...? Or am I permabanned because of my performance in the last game?

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I see master rol signed me up. Thank god.
Had i not been 13th versus mightve ended up getting canceled.

Sorry mbp you cant play if youre not on the list.

If you promise to actually play you can play MBP. I don't think you playing would screw over the balancing at all for what I have so far.

1. Linkzmax
2. Rol
3. tabaha
4. TruckOSaurus
5. Zero129
6. Pezus
7. Nen
11. mario
12. FF
13. prof
14. Hatz
15: MBP

Around the Network

Player list is now locked, writing up PMs now, thread should be up in the hour (hopefully).

Yayy, I aas able to piss off tabaha-chan slightly!


Also yay, the game starts soon (alt+0153)

Yoshiya will be the calm mod ruling over all, and I'll be the crazy co-mod who beats lurkers with sticks

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Game Thread:

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Since I can't rely solely on a doctor's evaluation to protect me... ever. I will dedicate my first post to you.

The last 2 games I played before taking a break from mafia, I was killed Night 1 and day 2. Frankly, I'm sick of dying early.

Since apparently scum don't have any code of honor anymore. Doctor, I ask your noobish brains to protect me tonight and every night so my contributions to the game won't disappear with my death.

That goes for any protective role.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson