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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U Launch Guide and Community Thread!

YAY :D awesome thread! I doubt I'll get it at launch, but it will be mine some day!


I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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ZombiU Premium Set
Black Ops 2

I have the Deluxe set with Nintendoland pre-ordered.

I shall also be getting NSMBU, Batman, Scribblenauts, and Epic Mickey 2 before the year is out.


Deluxe for me too!!! =)

Besides Nintedoland, I'm getting:

1. New Super Mario Bros U
2. ZombiU
3. Ninja Gaiden 3
4. Batman AC

Also Idk if I'll get Black Ops II and Assassin's Creed 3, I really want them but we'll see! =P

I have preordered the Deluxe set, complete with Nintendo Land. Unfortunately I'll be out of the country when it arrives, so I haven't ordered any other games. I'll just wait to pick those up when I get home :)

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Not purchasing the Wii U at launch but I'm still interested in this thread so... um.. "tagged!"

Edit: When I do purchase it, I'll go for the Deluxe Version, with NSMBU and probably ZombiU.

Signature goes here!

I'm going to let the dust settle and buy it next year whenever Rayman or 101 releases. Will probably get the Nintendo Land bundle first and play demos to help me decide what to buy next.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Wii U Deluxe version, with New Super Mario Bros U on the side!

Smeags, if i can give a suggestion, is there room for accessories, like Wiimotes, nunchucks, Pro controller and others?

Didn't know that Epic Mickey 2 was a day one title. Pikmin 3 was supposed to be my #1 game. Since its pushed back it will between Epic Mickey 2 or Zombie U.

I'm getting (in theory)
The Black Deluxe w/Nintendo Land
Assassin's Creed 3

Plans can change depending on what actually happens.