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Forums - Politics Discussion - The last Debate! Who Won? Obama or Romney


Who won the last debate?

President Barack Obama 259 61.96%
Governor MItt Romney 115 27.51%
Nobody/tie 38 9.09%
chocoloco said:
badgenome said:
The military certainly does not have fewer bayonets today than it did in 1916. Obama lost.

Must be watching fox news.

Must be

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CBS Snap Poll (Undecideds)

Obama- 53%
Romney- 23%
Tied- 24%

People, this is over. Obama will be the president again. takes in TONS of polling data, and lays out how things will look. This site was right in 2008 with Obama, it was right in 2010 about the senate and other state races, and I have no doubt that they will be correct this time. Just looking at CNN, Fox or Yahoo's daily polls won't tell the full story.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

I gotta admit. I went to play skeeball instead of watch this one.

Largely because I imagine they just agreed on everything with romney saying "I'd do what he did, but sooner or better" and Obama saying "no you wouldn't."

How can someone agree so much when youve voted against 97% of his decisions?
First debate, romney says "introducing a timetable for military withdrawal is weak leadership and a poor decision strategically" tonight he says "we will put in place a date of withdrawal for 2014".

Everone is talking about the "the 80s called" quote, but one obama should have harped more about was the bayonettes. Our navy and af are smaller because they arent the weapons of the future. The future is cyberwarfare, corporatism, and hegemony. We will take the lead not by military power but by our cultural values causing unrest.

Its like a basic lesson in civ, you pass emancipation and every other country without gets unhappy citizens. Also the pyramids allows no period of anarchy in government change.
Anyway, the point is, we will rule by imposing regulations, cultural dominance, and providing a strong example for others to follow. Other countries want what we have in terms of rights and obama is clearly on the right side of it. You do it through diplomacy not military and we really dont need more boats and planes. That is a tired, outdated,strategy.

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spaceguy said:
killerzX said:
spaceguy said:
killerzX said:
the gap is widening, Romney is pulling away in the polls. That pretty much shows people thought romney won the first debate, Ryan won the second, mostly due to Bidens constant laughing, smirking and interrupting, and Romney also won the last debate, because Romney has only gained ground in the polls since then.

So i also expect the average american to think Romney won this one.

LMFAO!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Fox News Says^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

honestly. whats with you and fox news. I dont even watch TV news.

i dont know what fox news has to do with this, but im talking about polls. like gallup and Rasmussan and others. they are almost all headed romenys way. gallup has gone up to +7 for romney. he is finally over 50% in polls. Battlground states, romney is closing in. Sure i bet fox news polls have showed polls moving in Romneys favor, but im not really sure what they have to do with this.

National polls don't mean sh-t. We got a electoral college. Not sure if you know how that works.

Rasmussan is so right wing that all there polls swing red. You kidding me. That don't have a great record.

Rasmussan was by far the most accurate pollsters in the 2008 presidential election.

There national model is particularly strong.

I'd be amused to see the same people who cried about Bush stealing the election from gore defending the electoral college and vice versa.

drkohler said:
As a European, I have a question to the Americans watching:
Do you really believe that when Romney starts a phrase with "I met a young woman in...", "I just met a guy in.." actaully ever "met" such people?

Yeah. There is no need to make them up.


Anyway I can only laugh at people thinking this was a slam dunk for Obama. The debate was very very close and only got good in the last few minutes. Obama seemed to get mad a fair amount of times while Mit did his usual smirk. I really did like the closing statement though of one of them.

Kasz216 said:
I gotta admit. I went to play skeeball instead of watch this one.

Largely because I imagine they just agreed on everything with romney saying "I'd do what he did, but sooner or better" and Obama saying "no you wouldn't."

You were right lol.

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Cnbc poll

Obama 66%
Romney 30%
Others 3%

drkohler said:
As a European, I have a question to the Americans watching:
Do you really believe that when Romney starts a phrase with "I met a young woman in...", "I just met a guy in.." actaully ever "met" such people?


Largely because the media tracks these people down to confirm the stories and find any discrepencies they say.

Politcians use this  stuff all the time... and they really do meet these people... and they get too hard if they go out of there way messing something up.