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Forums - Politics Discussion - The last Debate! Who Won? Obama or Romney


Who won the last debate?

President Barack Obama 259 61.96%
Governor MItt Romney 115 27.51%
Nobody/tie 38 9.09%
killerzX said:
spaceguy said:
killerzX said:
spaceguy said:
killerzX said:
the gap is widening, Romney is pulling away in the polls. That pretty much shows people thought romney won the first debate, Ryan won the second, mostly due to Bidens constant laughing, smirking and interrupting, and Romney also won the last debate, because Romney has only gained ground in the polls since then.

So i also expect the average american to think Romney won this one.

LMFAO!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Fox News Says^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

honestly. whats with you and fox news. I dont even watch TV news.

i dont know what fox news has to do with this, but im talking about polls. like gallup and Rasmussan and others. they are almost all headed romenys way. gallup has gone up to +7 for romney. he is finally over 50% in polls. Battlground states, romney is closing in. Sure i bet fox news polls have showed polls moving in Romneys favor, but im not really sure what they have to do with this.

National polls don't mean sh-t. We got a electoral college. Not sure if you know how that works.

Rasmussan is so right wing that all there polls swing red. You kidding me. That don't have a great record.

yeah and romney just took the lead in electoral college votes in the real clear politics map, for the first time.


other polls: Romney up 2 (49-47) in virginia with dems oversampled by +7.

Colorado: Realclearpolitics has moved it from toss up to lean romney. Rasmussen has Romney up 50-46. up +4.

Romney is leading in a politico battleground poll by +2. that a 3 point shift. and that is a D+4 sample poll.

In a PPP Iowa poll, that over samples Dem by +7, romney is down only 1 point.

WSJ/NBC poll has a 3-5 point shift to romeny, having them now tied.

Ohio: PPP poll with D+8 sample, has romney down only 1. thats a 4 point shift to romney.

and other polls on the economy, foreign policy, libya, taxes, debt, all are favoring romney. Romneys likability has gone way up. 30 points in ohio.

Look at you picking polls you like.

Around the Network

Obama won the debate. Romney just tried to agree with him on everything.

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Slam dunk Obama

Obama had a pink breast cancer wrist band on the whole time. I love it.

spaceguy said:
killerzX said:
spaceguy said:
killerzX said:
spaceguy said:
killerzX said:

yeah and romney just took the lead in electoral college votes in the real clear politics map, for the first time.


other polls: Romney up 2 (49-47) in virginia with dems oversampled by +7.

Colorado: Realclearpolitics has moved it from toss up to lean romney. Rasmussen has Romney up 50-46. up +4.

Romney is leading in a politico battleground poll by +2. that a 3 point shift. and that is a D+4 sample poll.

In a PPP Iowa poll, that over samples Dem by +7, romney is down only 1 point.

WSJ/NBC poll has a 3-5 point shift to romeny, having them now tied.

Ohio: PPP poll with D+8 sample, has romney down only 1. thats a 4 point shift to romney.

and other polls on the economy, foreign policy, libya, taxes, debt, all are favoring romney. Romneys likability has gone way up. 30 points in ohio.

Look at you picking polls you like.

actually, excuding the rassmussen poll, i chose liberals polls that are over sampling democrats by varying margins that all show romney gaining ground.

I think this was a clear Obama victory, no matter how badly republicans will try to spin this as they did the last debate. Foreign policy is Obama's key strength this election, and he showed it. He looked calm, cool, and collected. Mitt Romney came off as trying too hard to sound presidential, and even some of his points didn't make sense. Obama definitely won this, but I don't know if it will matter in the election determined by the state of the economy.

Around the Network

Romney was trying to be less extreme and present himself more moderately, for what reason I do not know. Hopefully his prevent defense strategy does not prevent him from winning.

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He who hesitates is lost

The military certainly does not have fewer bayonets today than it did in 1916. Obama lost.

badgenome said:
The military certainly does not have fewer bayonets today than it did in 1916. Obama lost.

Must be watching fox news.

chocoloco said:
Slam dunk Obama

Obama had a pink breast cancer wrist band on the whole time. I love it.


badgenome said:
The military certainly does not have fewer bayonets today than it did in 1916. Obama lost.

You would be VERY suprised to look at the number of American soldiers in French trenches in WWI around that time.