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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which of the big three consoles manufactures put the most big name devs out of business this gen?

Most of the companies went out of business because they were just not good enough. Harsh but the reality of things.

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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M.U.G.E.N said:
Most of the companies went out of business because they were just not good enough. Harsh but the reality of things.

Bollocks. If they had developed on cheaper platforms, they still would have been in busuiness.

The reality is that the cost of the developing HD games was HIGH. The sales most of the games got on the HD consoles that failed would have been profits on the DS/PSP/Wii.

The reality is that the hardware in the HD consoles were too expensive for most devs to make a profit.

Andrespetmonkey said:
lilbroex said:

Your belieft is correct. Its always nice to see "reasonable"opinions. I put emphasis on "reasonable". Having a different opinion is fine but when you run into cases like Ethomez in the PS3/Bethesda thread it becomes a problem.

If you cannot support and stand behind your belief then it doesn't need to be stated. To, often to we see people who come in with b***h**t responses and nothing to back up their claim.

You're Goddamn right

I knew what the post was before I even clicked the hyperlink.

lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Most of the companies went out of business because they were just not good enough. Harsh but the reality of things.

Bollocks. If they had developed on cheaper platforms, they still would have been in busuiness.

The reality is that the cost of the developing HD games was HIGH. The sales most of the games got on the HD consoles that failed would have been profits on the DS/PSP/Wii.

The reality is that the hardware in the HD consoles were too expensive for most devs to make a profit.

umm no if they made good games gamers would buy least buy them enough to be profitable

reasons are these for most of these closures

1. Horrible management of resources

2. lack of productive vision

3. Utlimately crappy products

IF they felt HD development costs were high, they have plenty of options. No one was holding a gun to the head of most of these companies or anything lol. The reality is you came in with a pre-concieved notion and fail to understand this is all part of a business. Natural selection process if you will. Blaming a console the devs chose to work on for their failures is just stupid

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Am I wrong for thinking that somebody in this thread has some DELICIOUS hatred for sony? LOL I think I'm noticing a habit with. somebody ;)

Around the Network
M.U.G.E.N said:
lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Most of the companies went out of business because they were just not good enough. Harsh but the reality of things.

Bollocks. If they had developed on cheaper platforms, they still would have been in busuiness.

The reality is that the cost of the developing HD games was HIGH. The sales most of the games got on the HD consoles that failed would have been profits on the DS/PSP/Wii.

The reality is that the hardware in the HD consoles were too expensive for most devs to make a profit.

umm no if they made good games gamers would buy least buy them enough to be profitable

reasons are these for most of these closures

1. Horrible management of resources

2. lack of productive vision

3. Utlimately crappy products

IF they felt HD development costs were high, they have plenty of options. No one was holding a gun to the head of most of these companies or anything lol. The reality is you came in with a pre-concieved notion and fail to understand this is all part of a business. Natural selection process if you will. Blaming a console the devs chose to work on for their failures is just stupid

Its not that simple.

lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Most of the companies went out of business because they were just not good enough. Harsh but the reality of things.

Bollocks. If they had developed on cheaper platforms, they still would have been in busuiness.

The reality is that the cost of the developing HD games was HIGH. The sales most of the games got on the HD consoles that failed would have been profits on the DS/PSP/Wii.

The reality is that the hardware in the HD consoles were too expensive for most devs to make a profit.

umm no if they made good games gamers would buy least buy them enough to be profitable

reasons are these for most of these closures

1. Horrible management of resources

2. lack of productive vision

3. Utlimately crappy products

IF they felt HD development costs were high, they have plenty of options. No one was holding a gun to the head of most of these companies or anything lol. The reality is you came in with a pre-concieved notion and fail to understand this is all part of a business. Natural selection process if you will. Blaming a console the devs chose to work on for their failures is just stupid

Its not that simple.


that's your response? Heck my reasoning is more 'complex' than yours lol no at the end of the day..the reasons I mentioned ARE the main culprits behind the closures. It applies to any business really. my heart goes to those who lost their jobs but they just failed to deliver and paid the price of it. The gaming industry is much more competative nowadays but it also comes with a lot of opportunity to earn money. Multiple methods/platforms to release a game, DLC, add-ons, online passes etc. Ways to possibly earn money are plentiful. Companies that fail to capitalize on them fail, end of story

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

M.U.G.E.N said:
lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

umm no if they made good games gamers would buy least buy them enough to be profitable

reasons are these for most of these closures

1. Horrible management of resources

2. lack of productive vision

3. Utlimately crappy products

IF they felt HD development costs were high, they have plenty of options. No one was holding a gun to the head of most of these companies or anything lol. The reality is you came in with a pre-concieved notion and fail to understand this is all part of a business. Natural selection process if you will. Blaming a console the devs chose to work on for their failures is just stupid

Its not that simple.


that's your response? Heck my reasoning is more 'complex' than yours lol no at the end of the day..the reasons I mentioned ARE the main culprits behind the closures. It applies to any business really. my heart goes to those who lost their jobs but they just failed to deliver and paid the price of it. The gaming industry is much more competative nowadays but it also comes with a lot of opportunity to earn money. Multiple methods/platforms to release a game, DLC, add-ons, online passes etc. Ways to possibly earn money are plentiful. Companies that fail to capitalize on them fail, end of story

There was no need for me to restate all of the things you didn't address in your own quote. Go back and reread what I wrote because I listed the many reaons and the main one.

The cost shifted profit margins. It takes more sales to break even on those consoles.

lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
lilbroex said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

umm no if they made good games gamers would buy least buy them enough to be profitable

reasons are these for most of these closures

1. Horrible management of resources

2. lack of productive vision

3. Utlimately crappy products

IF they felt HD development costs were high, they have plenty of options. No one was holding a gun to the head of most of these companies or anything lol. The reality is you came in with a pre-concieved notion and fail to understand this is all part of a business. Natural selection process if you will. Blaming a console the devs chose to work on for their failures is just stupid

Its not that simple.


that's your response? Heck my reasoning is more 'complex' than yours lol no at the end of the day..the reasons I mentioned ARE the main culprits behind the closures. It applies to any business really. my heart goes to those who lost their jobs but they just failed to deliver and paid the price of it. The gaming industry is much more competative nowadays but it also comes with a lot of opportunity to earn money. Multiple methods/platforms to release a game, DLC, add-ons, online passes etc. Ways to possibly earn money are plentiful. Companies that fail to capitalize on them fail, end of story

There was no need for me to restate all of the things you didn't address in your own quote. Go back and reread what I wrote because I listed the many reaons and the main one.

The cost shifted profit margins. It takes more sales to break even on those consoles.

oh I read it...but didn't respond to it because others have already. The one who quoted me was you. If you want to start a discussion with me lay down you reasoning against mine or just stop wasting my time

YOU are the one being one dimensional and overly simplifying things here. It's not JUST about the cost. It's about how they managed cost, what platforms they chose to develope for etc etc..all the things I mentioned to you already. by your thinking if Ninty made a HD console, they could have limited their risk by developing for all three consoles instead of two! 

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

I think lilbroex refers to this:

Hard to develop on purpose=costlier development. I don't think it's Sony's fault, the development teams knew it is a bitch to develop for, so it's their fault they developed games for PS3 when there were cheaper consoles to develop for.