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Forums - Gaming Discussion - It's safe to say Sony lost this gen; 70 million Xbox 360's have been sold!

ethomaz said:
This article is so weak.

63.9 million is March 31, 2012 compared with 70 million from September 30, 2012.

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smbu2000 said:
Rafux said:
Still props to Sony for selling almost the same quantity of PS3s releasing a year later and at 600$. They did a turn around in that awful PS3 start.

Yes, props to Sony for losing their WW #1 position from the PS1/PS2 generations and falling back to last place. Also props for losing billions of dollars with the PS3, wiping out a majority of the profit they gained from that era as well. Oh wait...

Why do you have to be so negative? I didn't say congrats to Sony for having the brilliant idea of selling the PS3 at 600$, I said props to Sony for the turn around they had. I also would give props to MS in the original xbox even if they lost billions of dollars they stablished themselves as the online multiplayer console.

So the real gap is 6.1 million between 360 and PS3.

This coincides with many other reports financial from actual figures rather than guesstimates on VGC.

Maybe VGC should ask Micosoft, Nintendo and Sony direct what their actual figures are. Bet they are these. Theres a reason VGC figures aren't quoted in media articles I guess. I always wondered that.

selnor said:
So the real gap is 6.1 million between 360 and PS3.

This coincides with many other reports financial from actual figures rather than guesstimates on VGC.

Maybe VGC should ask Micosoft, Nintendo and Sony direct what their actual figures are. Bet they are these. Theres a reason VGC figures aren't quoted in media articles I guess. I always wondered that.


Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Carl2291 said:
kowenicki said:

Yeah Sony followed up the PS2 in sensational style.  By slaughtering their market share, driving the company into the floor, becoming a distant 3rd in the single biggest market and leaviong themselves a mountaing to climb with PS4.

You are unbelieveable, those rose tinted spectacles are stuck.


All the shit Sony did, yet theyre still equal with the 360 despite Microsoft(!)s best efforts.

Its quite funny watching Sony fuck up at every opportunity and still manage to keep up with the other guys.

Unh they lost potentially 100 million customers and Microsft have gained 50 million.

Good day at office for one company.

I'll let you guess which one.

Around the Network
DirtyP2002 said:

Sony lost about 6-7 billion USD with one single product and are still in 3rd place.
They lost their exclusive 3rd party deals / franchises.
They hurt the Playstation brand in a big way.

Yet some people here think Sony did a good job this gen. Broaden your view!

You can't force a fanboy to broaden their view, their scope is so limited that they only look at one facet of the argument and pounce on it while remaining ignorant to everything else. 

Chandler said:
I'm betting that Sony is actually ahead as far as actual customers go. But gotta give it to MS, they know how to bind their crowd. Gotta buy dat fifth xbox to pad dem numbers some more.

Yet software always sells more on 360.  Usually I wouldn't reply to bovious flamebait but try thinking a little more next time.


DirtyP2002 said:

Sony lost about 6-7 billion USD with one single product and are still in 3rd place.
They lost their exclusive 3rd party deals / franchises.
They hurt the Playstation brand in a big way.

Yet some people here think Sony did a good job this gen. Broaden your view!

Didn't the original xbox lose 4 billion, and wasnt that a single product?

chapset said:
selnor said:
So the real gap is 6.1 million between 360 and PS3.

This coincides with many other reports financial from actual figures rather than guesstimates on VGC.

Maybe VGC should ask Micosoft, Nintendo and Sony direct what their actual figures are. Bet they are these. Theres a reason VGC figures aren't quoted in media articles I guess. I always wondered that.


lol at what?

I always wondered why Ive read 10 or 20 articles over the last 3 years on figures which NEVER include VGC figures. Yet always dont favour Sony as much as VGC does.

Man how many people tried to refute Microsoft when on the world stage at 3 seperate events in front of both Ninty and Sony they said they were the biggest selling console last year TO CONSUMER. Yet everyone here was blah blah blah.


I've lost all faith in VGC numbers.

PS3 over-tacked by 3 million is horrible but they have been screwing up a lot lately and it seems the pre-orders are off now too