the shadows were good in this demo. I wander if it's only the resolution increase or if other things are better as well (like the shadows seam to be).
the shadows were good in this demo. I wander if it's only the resolution increase or if other things are better as well (like the shadows seam to be).
ithis said: the shadows were good in this demo. I wander if it's only the resolution increase or if other things are better as well (like the shadows seam to be). |
The shadows in GT5:P was better too.
Like I said that just a development demo... not GT5 itself... there are things like GT5:P too and some things to be released in GT6 (or not).
The UI is different too.
so, what is the bottom-line?
some kind of gt which we don't know yet running on 4k-tv with an unknown rendering-resolution running on 4 things that looked like a ps3, thrown together in a way we don't know.
overall good marketing for sony 4k-tvs, with absolutely no hint on whatever ps4 will have to do with this.
Damn it now I've got to rob some banks.
Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont
Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!
PS2 levels stretched to 4k? i don't know about that.
Atto Suggests...:
Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series
Game - Metro Last Light
TV - Deadwood
Music - Forest Swords
Hmm. I'd love to have been the one to have demoed that. Hopefully PS5 could offer 4K support, and more importantly hopefully by then I'd have a 4K Tv.
PS4 to become the next Neo Geo ? 4ks too much of a luxury the world isn't ready for, you'd think they would have learned from forcing blu ray into the market.
se7en7thre3 said: PS4 to become the next Neo Geo ? 4ks too much of a luxury the world isn't ready for, you'd think they would have learned from forcing blu ray into the market. |
4k and 8k are the next HD Ready and Full HD
It will happen - At the beginning probably only for movies but the PS4 will surely support it or get the last things over firmware updates for games.
The Next Gen will probably be again 7-10 years long and getting maybe even stretched further thanks to Gaikai or so...I hope in 10 years the other parts of the world are on our level in terms of Internetspeed.Im still amazed the USA doesn't have 100MB/s and insane upload as standard as we (middle) europeans have for years now.
BluRay would have had a much deeper inpact if Microsoft wouldn't have supported that outdated DvD garbage that is holding everything back.And no sane person can say BluRay doesn't at least look 10 times better than DVDs.
Sony is the future.
Not everyone is happy with 576p Call of Duty upscaled to 1080p and justify that with "OMG WE ARE THE ONLY CONSOLE WITH 60fps on a game with an 10 year old engine!!!LOL at Battlefield 3!"
-moderated by amp316
bertlsenix said:
I nearly died lollin'
If that's the case, Nintendo will win again, and then, will under cut the PS4 by 2-3 years with their next "N7" console. Sony can't win anymore. But regardless of my Neo Geo comment, there is a place for niche luxury consoles, and I wish them the best of luck. But its Ninty & MS (cringe, admittedly) from here on out for me and most Americans (and Euros - watch & see).
It won't cost Sony anything extra to include 4K support, modern graphics cards are already capable of that resolution and HMDI spec 1.4b (which includes 2160p60) should be finalized at the end of the year.
(The ps3 can already output 4K images btw)
Maybe GT6 will be able to run in 2560x2160 on ps4. GT4 to GT5 went from 640x540 to 1280x1080, no reason why the same resolution jump can't be done again. 4k tvs will be affordable by the time GT6 comes out...
The ps4 is going to be around until 2021 at least. It's not unreasonable to buy a new tv in a 9 year period. How many people had a 1080p tv in 2004? (2 years before the ps3 launch)