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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

What happens if there is no majority decision on who to kill within 24 hours?


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spurgeonryan said:
Nacho is either really good or he just thinks he has a read. Coming over here from another site with people thinking he is some sort of mafia god is a lot to dealnwith. Is what he says correct, partly correct, or just him trying to prove himself here. Either way if he is totally wrong he can just go back to his site and nt have to deal with the shame here. So for now I do not think we can listen to much that he says until day two.

Do not like this plan. If I am doing well and identifying scum pretty easily, I get shot at die night 1.

If I am doing badly and have terrible reads, scum keep me alive and THEN people will listen to me. Don't really see mafia coming up with this line of reasoning though, but I suppose you are town for now. Also will not leave if I am completely wrong with anything (probably won't be). I love challenges, and a bad first showing would mean that I would have to step it up and read more games for my redemption. 

being wrong hurts my heart

and holy shit am i wrong sometimes

so i am not a god

Unvote, Vote: Final Fan


no longer so convinced that Yoshi is scum. saddened that the time limit is hammered because these short deadlines are kind of driving me crazy.


Pezus, please don't ignore me. Why are you voting whoever you are voting? You're questioning manbearpig on his reasoning, but it all just looks like you are just trying to keep yourself busy because nothing good has come from all of this.


If I knew Rol was playing, I might have signed up! :o

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Final-Fan said:
Linkzmax said:
How is that in Mario's face?

He incorrectly predicted that I would want to vote time limit already.  I don't yet see that as necessary. 

Ahhh I missed that at the end of the last page. I thought you were making some reference to which would have been very odd.

Not that I don't like the change in the grand scheme of things, but why no usual No Lynch vote?

Nachomamma8 said:

Someone asked me to explain my other two town reads, I won't if you agree with me. If people are looking to push a case on someone, then sure I will explain but otherwise nope nope.

I asked you to explain your reads on Rol and tabaha, because at that point I would not have made such definitive calls. Tabaha had barely said anything at that point, and I've seen Rol's ability to blend in when scum.(albeit as third party) So I'm curious if you're town with actual reasons, town just trying to get reactions, or simply scum, in which case there are many possibilities for such statements.

Nachomamma8 said:
Yoshiya said:
@nacho Upon re-reading I have concluded the reason you seem to think I am suspicious is because I cast suspicion and didn't follow it up with a vote. For that reason;

Vote: Nacho

He has pinned me as scum for playing how I feel is best seeing as we get so many pressure votes anyway and seems incredibly keen on getting everyone to vote. It's for the latter that I have voted him because I just don't see why a townie would be so keen to get everyone to vote when they have no proper suspicions.

Interesting. I call you suspicious for putting suspicion on me without backing it, and so your response is to vote me before you are ready? Why change your playstyle just because someone you think is scum tells you to?

First, you are only purporting that Yoshi wasn't ready to vote you, while it is clear that the vote isn't a simple pressure vote that he disliked earlier, but a vote to see you hung. Second, I don't like this because it's one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. If Yoshi votes someone than it is only because you said he should, and if he continues his previous playstyle than he's continuing to do something you said is scummy.

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Yoshiya said:
This Pezus lynch thing going on is just crazy haha. A lot people that are voting for him are voting for time limit from a quick glance as well >.>

So what are your thoughts on these people now?

RolStoppable said:
pezus said:

Are you a double voter?

@Host: Why does DT's vote on spurge count in the corrected table when he didn't unvote pezus? Unless otherwise stated, VGC Mafia standard rules should apply.

pezus isn't a double voter.

Sadly, standard rules are that Unvotes aren't required, just helpful.

TruckOSaurus said:

Voting history (by player)

pezus: RolStoppable, spurgeonryan


pezus said:
spurgeonryan said:
First thoughts are usually the right one people. Lets just vote pezus and get it over with. Second guessing gets you know where.

@ linkz

No. You were trying to get a response. Man bear gave you one. Right?


Vote: spurge

First spurge ping is definitely scum...

Stefl1504 said:
Linkzmax said:
Stefl1504 said:
Okay, and with how tabaha acted so far I am quite convinced that he is town... with my previous statement this makes me scum... umm... no that doesn't sound right...

Anyway, joking aside, I am quite convinced he is town...

What about how he's acted has you convinced he's town?

Well, like you might remember before the last game he only played IRC mafia games and from that I know, that he only goes after me when he isn't scum, when he is scum he lays low in this perspective. Next to the fact that he gives me a towny feel. Nothing much he said so far that I could basically explain, just expirience playing with him.

I've made a similar call regarding you in the past. Here he hasn't seriously gone after you, but fair enough. It's a good connection at least.

tabaha said:
supermario128 said:
man-bear-pig said:

Because his behaviour is extremely fishy

I think your behavior is extremely fishy. What do you have to say about that?

this is giving me a bit of scum feeling from supermario128 and pezus. having mario defending pezus this much doesn't feel right. I don't think someone who doesn't know pezus' role would defend him and attack the one who suspects him in this way. But hey, I might be wrong

I'm ignoring the fact that you made the wrong connection, because I know you're prone to making such a mistake in following the thread. But this is way too wishy-washy. I'm going to skim through the last round, but I don't remember you lacking confidence.

man-bear-pig said:
What happens if there is no majority decision on who to kill within 24 hours?


It becomes a plurality lynch.

TruckOSaurus said:


  • For a timelimit at least 33% of the players will have to vote for it. The timelimit will be set for 24h after I’ve declared the timelimit to be in effect. The person with the most votes when the timer is done will be lynched. A tie will result in No Lynch