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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

WTF? Of course not.......

Anyone who would is beyond messed up

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Definitely not. I'd be happy enough to just have a son.


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superchunk said:
abhiram_33 said:
nope, y would u even ask such a thing

Because, if homosexuality is a sin and damnable by God, why would you willingly bring a person who will go to hell into this world?

and abortion is not a sin  and damnnable by God?

oh well... i wont cause im a gay.... do i feel my existance is a sin? no.


No...God no

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Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

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This seems like a really bad question to ask. You have to think about the demographics you're presenting the question to.

The people who are PRO abortion are also pro gay rights activists. The people who would never abort babies are the ones who are against homosexuality.

So..... a very, very, very tiny % of the population would be pro abortion and anti-homosexual, I believe.

Question has huge implications. Given the possibility of fully screening the genes of an unborn children very early on pregnancy... we are less than a step away from people having children suiting their whims. Since we know that's going to happen, I put forward an ethical case for gene therapy allowing parents to choose positive or neutral characteristics for their children instead of having them selected like that, because even if it is made illegal, that's what people are going to do.

Yes, such gene therapy will dehumanize us even further, you could argue. Like "only today, special triplets for half the price: a blonde, a redhead and a brunette to color your home!". But yeah... I'd say we've always been commodities at the hands of each other and it's only going to become a bit more obvious.

Wow... that's what I call straying off topic. I need to sleep. To answer the question on the OP, I'd say yes only if it was a male, because I'm such a disgusting, perverted and petty creature. No, I kid, I kid. But I think the existence of a gay gene is very unlikely though, so I'll never have to face this question for real.






How is being gay a sin?

I'm sure there are people liek tha tin place.

If they ever discover this gay gene (assuming its there), they should pass law that if you are not happy with your gay child for it to be adopted by a gay couple.

That way everyone is happy..



superchunk said:
abhiram_33 said:
nope, y would u even ask such a thing

Because, if homosexuality is a sin and damnable by God, why would you willingly bring a person who will go to hell into this world?

Some religions allow homosexual desires as long as they're kept internal. As long as a person doesn't act on those desires, then they wouldn't necessarily go to hell.

As for the question though, researches aren't even sure if a gay gene even exists. And if they so find gay gene, then there would still be uncertainty on the impact of genetic factors versus environmental factors, sociological factors, psychological factors, etc. If the gay gene did exist, then it could be possible that even with the gene, then you could ultimately heterosexual due to other, more significant factors. And vice versa; you could be born without any homosexual tendencies, yet could still become gay in the future due to psychological/environmental factors. There's a lot of uncertainty on the causes of homosexuality.

But none of that was on topic...If somehow I was certain that my child would become gay, then no, I wouldn't abort him. I would probably be a bit moved that he's gay, but that doesn't warrant abortion. There are very few (if any) valid reasons to abort an unborn baby imo, so of course something as insignificant as sexual preference wouldn't really be a factor.