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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

mysticwolf said:
Nem said:
Nem said:
superchunk said:
abhiram_33 said:
nope, y would u even ask such a thing

Because, if homosexuality is a sin and damnable by God, why would you willingly bring a person who will go to hell into this world?

God doesnt exist, therefore there is no hell. Get over it.


thats your opinion, thats fine but when it comes to religion show some fucking respect! damn.

Its not my opinion, he doesnt exist. But people are free to believe in him, just like they can believe in flying pigs.

Religion is just an excuse for bloodshed. There are some who do good with it, but in the end its just something created to take advantage of the ignorant and the fear of death. Lieing to yourself changes nothing in the universe.

quit being such a jackass and be nice. You can't prove that God or Hell doesn't exist, so please keep your rude comments to yourself.

Can you prove they exist? If not, then you just proved that they dont exist.

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If your approach is science, then science will never be able to prove that God does not exist.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

conversations about religion end up going round and round in circles. to each his own, lets just leave it there. people can choose to believe what they want, just as long as they respect others peoples beliefs.

Obviously NOT. We are talking about a life, a human being, not about something that you can delete at anytime if you want it.

Roma said:
Nem said:
Roma said:
Nem said:
Nem said:
Nem said:
Nem said:
superchunk said:
abhiram_33 said:
nope, y would u even ask such a thing

Because, if homosexuality is a sin and damnable by God, why would you willingly bring a person who will go to hell into this world?

God doesnt exist, therefore there is no hell. Get over it.


thats your opinion, thats fine but when it comes to religion show some fucking respect! damn.

Its not my opinion, he doesnt exist. But people are free to believe in him, just like they can believe in flying pigs.

Religion is just an excuse for bloodshed. There are some who do good with it, but in the end its just something created to take advantage of the ignorant.

well everyone dies, so we shall see then.

Or not.

im curious, what do you think happens to us after death?

Nothing happens. What do you think happens? You die.

What did it feel like before you existed? Its about the same thing.

did you die and find out? how can you believe in something that has no evidence yet you don't believe in god?

Because theres no proof that something exists. Therefore that is the proof that nothing exists.


Solidsnake, i dont think you are crazy, i think your believing in something that has no logic. It's more like pity that your lieing to yourself, but i totally understand the fear of death.

so when science find something new it exists but before they find out that it does exist it doesn't exist? yeah that makes perfect sense!

You are extrapolating things that are in the realm of the possible and logic to things that are in the realm of the unlogical and imaginary.

Lets say that God existed. Why did he create the universe, why does he focus on us in this little bit of nothing in front of the rest of the universe. Why does he plan to let us all die when all hydrogen runs out and no more stars are born. You saying he exists, just to create us for no reason and let us die for no reason? Also, who created god then? Did you think the answer to creation would end on him? He just poofed almighty god, created the universe and looks to all the ants in this spec of rock in the vast universe? This is the realm of the imaginary, beside incredibly arrogant.

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it seems that religious people are more open minded than science people as they only believe in what they see, hear, feel or smell and before that whatever it is it does not exist!

religious people, Y U so ignorant?

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

mysticwolf said:
If your approach is science, then science will never be able to prove that God does not exist.

The problem is not proving that god doesnt exist. the problem is proving god exists.

The discussions doesnt go in circles like you said solidsnake08, they go in a straight line. There is no proof god exists, therefore he is not real until proven otherwise. Religious people, refuse to see this logic conclusion.

Mysticwolf, can you prove to me that mystical flying pigs dont exist? Given that science will never be able to prove they do not exist, according to your logic, they should be as real as god.

I would like to know how you think one proves that something doesnt exist.

Nem said:
mysticwolf said:

quit being such a jackass and be nice. You can't prove that God or Hell doesn't exist, so please keep your rude comments to yourself.

Can you prove they exist? If not, then you just proved that they dont exist.

That's why it's called faith.

I used to have the exact same mindset as you. I didn't believe in God or Hell or anything. I thought that after we died, there was nothing. 

When I moved to Des Moines for college, I met this guy Jacob, and he showed me Jesus. I realized how fortunate I've been to have the life I have. Even though it's been a very rough life full of points of long misery, I would not change anything about me, because it's made me who I am. It makes me happy to know that God is watching over me and guiding me.

It's pretty obvious that this argument is not going anywhere, so I won't continue it. I would appreciate it if you did not try to destroy my faith.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

mysticwolf said:
Nem said:
mysticwolf said:

quit being such a jackass and be nice. You can't prove that God or Hell doesn't exist, so please keep your rude comments to yourself.

Can you prove they exist? If not, then you just proved that they dont exist.

That's why it's called faith.

I used to have the exact same mindset as you. I didn't believe in God or Hell or anything. I thought that after we died, there was nothing. 

When I moved to Des Moines for college, I met this guy Jacob, and he showed me Jesus. I realized how fortunate I've been to have the life I have. Even though it's been a very rough life full of points of long misery, I would not change anything about me, because it's made me who I am. It makes me happy to know that God is watching over me and guiding me.

It's pretty obvious that this argument is not going anywhere, so I won't continue it. I would appreciate it if you did not try to destroy my faith.

As i said, you are free to lie to yourself. Ignorance IS bliss, as they say.

But, im just saying. Going back to why i answered to the thread. Its a non-issue because you cant prove god exists, therefore there is no hell. Its all make-believe... wich is perfectly fine to believe in, if its what you want to do. Does that give you an excuse to discriminate and kill other people? No, it doesnt.

Hell might not exist in afterlife, but it certainly can exist in life, and its that kind of discrimination that gives it form.

Roma said:
it seems that religious people are more open minded than science people as they only believe in what they see, hear, feel or smell and before that whatever it is it does not exist!

religious people, Y U so ignorant?

I believe that there are other universes. Does that mean im close-minded? Religious people arent open-minded at all. They lie to themselves and ignore whats in front of them. Whats in front of them? Nothing. :)

You just want science people to cut you some slack because you dont have a case. Its about as fair as giving a chance for mystical flying pigs to be real. Its ridiculous.