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mysticwolf said:
Nem said:
mysticwolf said:

quit being such a jackass and be nice. You can't prove that God or Hell doesn't exist, so please keep your rude comments to yourself.

Can you prove they exist? If not, then you just proved that they dont exist.

That's why it's called faith.

I used to have the exact same mindset as you. I didn't believe in God or Hell or anything. I thought that after we died, there was nothing. 

When I moved to Des Moines for college, I met this guy Jacob, and he showed me Jesus. I realized how fortunate I've been to have the life I have. Even though it's been a very rough life full of points of long misery, I would not change anything about me, because it's made me who I am. It makes me happy to know that God is watching over me and guiding me.

It's pretty obvious that this argument is not going anywhere, so I won't continue it. I would appreciate it if you did not try to destroy my faith.

As i said, you are free to lie to yourself. Ignorance IS bliss, as they say.

But, im just saying. Going back to why i answered to the thread. Its a non-issue because you cant prove god exists, therefore there is no hell. Its all make-believe... wich is perfectly fine to believe in, if its what you want to do. Does that give you an excuse to discriminate and kill other people? No, it doesnt.

Hell might not exist in afterlife, but it certainly can exist in life, and its that kind of discrimination that gives it form.