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Forums - General Discussion - Is the worship of God really necessary?

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
For me, I worship/pray to God because I appreciate all the things he has done to be. I.. I just do it you know. I think worshipping him is one way to express my gratitude to him. I worship at my own will.

Personally, I dont think it is REQUIRED to do so. But by just believing in God, not doing anything about it and just keep it at the back of your mind is kind of... not morally right.

I can understand that you and millions (well, I guess even billions) of others want to worship God out of appreciation. There is nothing wrong about that, and if you enjoy doing it I am happy for you. Just wanted to make that clear :)

As for your second paragraph, if God told me that he created the world I would highly appreciate it. Just like how I currently appreciate the work of Thomas Edison and other great inventors. But the thing is that God has not made it clear to me that he, in fact, did create the world. No science supports that he created the universe (though it's also true that science don't know how the universe was created), which gives me no compelling reason to believe that he did so.

And despite this lack of indications that God created the world he still demand that we all thank and worship him for creating it. I don't get that. If he don't want skewed opinions on him and his work he should make it clear once again (since we didn't live two thousand years ago when he supposedly sent his son to confirm it) that he is the creator. Asking us to set aside science and common sense (as in: demanding compelling evidence and the fact that a human being cannot be resurrected) is asking too much, in my opinion.


After all, you can choose not to believe in God's message even after compelling evidence of his existence has risen.

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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
For me, I worship/pray to God because I appreciate all the things he has done to be. I.. I just do it you know. I think worshipping him is one way to express my gratitude to him. I worship at my own will.

Personally, I dont think it is REQUIRED to do so. But by just believing in God, not doing anything about it and just keep it at the back of your mind is kind of... not morally right.

I can understand that you and millions (well, I guess even billions) of others want to worship God out of appreciation. There is nothing wrong about that, and if you enjoy doing it I am happy for you. Just wanted to make that clear :)

As for your second paragraph, if God told me that he created the world I would highly appreciate it. Just like how I currently appreciate the work of Thomas Edison and other great inventors. But the thing is that God has not made it clear to me that he, in fact, did create the world. No science supports that he created the universe (though it's also true that science don't know how the universe was created), which gives me no compelling reason to believe that he did so.

And despite this lack of indications that God created the world he still demand that we all thank and worship him for creating it. I don't get that. If he don't want skewed opinions on him and his work he should make it clear once again (since we didn't live two thousand years ago when he supposedly sent his son to confirm it) that he is the creator. Asking us to set aside science and common sense (as in: demanding compelling evidence and the fact that a human being cannot be resurrected) is asking too much, in my opinion.


After all, you can choose not to believe in God's message even after compelling evidence of his existence has risen.

I cant type out a proper response as its very late.. Catch you tommorrow bro. 



The Abrahamic God has a lot of different messages that he is trying to spread as widely as possible. Most of which I would say contains a lot of value. For instance, off the top of my head:


- You should not kill or steal

- You should love even your worst enemy. Hate no one

- You should forgive even the worst criminals, given their apologies are sincere

- You should treat others no different from how you would like others to treat you  (though as we know there are exceptions to that one)


Etc, etc... So yes, there are quite a few things that the world should learn from the above - and that we all would benefit from if more people lived by them. And every day I am very thankful for my Christian upbringing, which put a lot of focus on the above exhortations.


...but this thread is not about that. This thread is dedicated to what I consider to be the sick part of God, namely his unconditional need for worshipping and attention. Has no believer ever asked himself/herself whether this part of God is actually necessary, or even justified? Especially when the cold truth is that we are suppost to be willing to commit beyond horrific actions just to show how much we love our creator. I mean, he once told Abraham, one of the most central figures when it comes to the Abrahamic religions (obviously), to kill his son, and Abraham was just about to do so, to God's relief, when God finally decided to call it off. Thus proving that God would rather watch us kill our families than stop worshipping him. He want our full, unconditional trust at all costs, even if that means committing crimes and highly immoral acts. And now Abraham, who was actually willing to kill his son in cold blood, is widely considered a great prophet...

How does anyone fail to see the sick part in this? We are supposed to put God above all laws and morals, and love him more than anything else. If he tells you to murder your wife and children you better be willing to do so, otherwise you don't deserve to have God's mercy. If you are not willing to blow up a school full of innocent children after God told you to do so, then that's to bad: You don't deserve him.

To me though, his message (regarding the points in the beginning of the thread) should work perfectly fine for all of humanity even if no one worshipped him. But he wants more; he would rather watch the whole world burn than be forgotten...


In conclusion: Let's just say I would rather not kill my future son or daughter than worship the greatest attention-whore known to man.

I thought I discussed with you on the other topic in which in proved you shouldn't even make topics because of how poorly edcuated you are on the subject.

When I say this it isn't because I'm butt it's because your going to shoot yourself in the foot like last time .

"The Abrahamic God has a lot of different messages that he is trying to spread as widely as possible. Most of which I would say contains a lot of value."

- You should not kill or steal (True but change kill to murder)

- You should love even your worst enemy. Hate no one (False as it depends on the context)

- You should forgive even the worst criminals, given their apologies are sincere  (competely false)

- You should treat others no different from how you would like others to treat you  (though as we know there are exceptions to that one)  (true)

"...but this thread is not about that. This thread is dedicated to what I consider to be the sick part of God, namely his unconditional need for worshipping and attention. "

Uh oh the fundismentalism is reeking from this one already!

"Has no believer ever asked himself/herself whether this part of God is actually necessary, or even justified? "

Yup. From studying and learning from experts of bible history and understanding the minds of the people(honor and shame)(social behavior). Did you ever try to do this or did you just use your own mind LIKE before to justify your little information on the subject to begin with?

"Especially when the cold truth is that we are suppost to be willing to commit beyond horrific actions just to show how much we love our creator."

*Gets popcorn*

" I mean, he once told Abraham, one of the most central figures when it comes to the Abrahamic religions (obviously), to kill his son, and Abraham was just about to do so, to God's relief, when God finally decided to call it off."

OH YEA FIRST EXAMPLE AND a fail already! 

No, he didn't decide to call it off. If you can read  it was test and he planned it from the beginning it was a test on Abrahamic as he never planned on him killing his son. 

In earlier encounters with God, Abraham is certainly vocal in his 'pushbacks' to God. In Genesis 15.2-3, he raised an objection to God's promise; in 15.8, he raised a doubt; in 17.17f, he doubts and tries to 'steer' God's blessings; and in 18.23-33, he argued with God on the basis of God's character (Then Abraham approached him and said: "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing -- to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?"). It is almost impossible to believe that he didn't argue with God THIS TIME, and again on the basis of God's character. But the narrator of the story doesn't tell us about this.

This was test on Abrahamic doubt on God. Even 10 years old at the worst church know this.  

More context from the which both the jewish and Christian drew from the lesson.

Hebrews 11.17-19

By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, 18 even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." 19 Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.

Abraham saw an apparent contradiction: (1) God said "kill" Isaac and (2) God said Isaac will have many descendants. Abe drew an obvious conclusion--"God will raise Isaac back to life." The OT passage itself focuses on Abraham's priority loyalty to YHWH--cf. Jesus' words in Matt 10.37: ""Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me". As is standard practice with God, when we 'give up' the good things in our lives to Him, we almost always get them back again with blessings.

The OT passage itself focuses on Abraham's priority loyalty to YHWH--cf. Jesus' words in Matt 10.37: ""Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me". As is standard practice with God, when we 'give up' the good things in our lives to Him, we almost always get them back again with blessings.

"Thus proving that God would rather watch us kill our families than stop worshipping him."

And this is why I warned to you quit while your behind. Because the event wasn't able about him killing his son but did he trust God to do the right thing always. 

Abraham knew that God would do what is right in the end and what happened? Bam he did. But of your course your reading ability and research ability is at a 1st grade level . Not being rude but it's apparnet at this point.

"He want our full, unconditional trust at all costs, even if that means committing crimes and highly immoral acts."

Oh really what crime did Abraham do? Oh right he didn't do anything because he killed a lamb and God stopped it from happening because it was simply a test and a lesson to Abraham that if you trust God good things are going to happen.

"And now Abraham, who was actually willing to kill his son in cold blood, is widely considered a great prophet..."

Good way to  dumb down something  to the point at were it's at your thinking level. God never planned for the child to die you tried to make it seem like it was dishonest ways or just ignorance.

"How does anyone fail to see the sick part in this? We are supposed to put God above all laws and morals, and love him more than anything else. If he tells you to murder your wife and children you better be willing to do so, otherwise you don't deserve to have God's mercy. If you are not willing to blow up a school full of innocent children after God told you to do so, then that's to bad: You don't deserve him."

What happened when we listened to God kids based on the story?

Did he  A). Let a child die   B) God all of sudden contradicts himself     C) You get rewarded and showned that listening to God will never result of contradiction but reward.

"In conclusion: Let's just say I would rather not kill my future son or daughter than worship the greatest attention-whore known to man."

In conclusion get a book and learn to read. Oh yea your ignorant. That's what I learned!

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

God doesn't need you to ''worship'' him. God doesn't need anything from mankind...

And worship isn't necessary, but acknowledgment and adherence to his message is (IMO)

ninetailschris said: 

[Bullshit of epic proportions]

That has to be the most ironic post I have ever read.

I clearly wrote that God eventually stopped Abraham from killing his son (and used the phrase "called it off" because that's how Abraham saw it), so why do you keep assuming that I thought he would let him do it? But more importantly: This is not about that. And this is not about what Abraham did- or did not do, it is all about the principle. God didn't want to see Abraham kill his son, but he wanted Abraham to be willing to do so. That is the sick part in all this. God obviously doesn't want to see you burn down a school full of innocent children, but he want you to be willing to do so if he ever told you to. He want you to worship him under any conditions and value him above anything else. In fact you brought it up yourself in your post:


"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me"


He want us to be willing to give up our families in his favor, and he also want us to be willing to commit horrendous crimes if he ever told us to. That is what this thread is about; his unlimited need for worship and attention from all his creations.


And yet, you keep saying that I have reading abilities of a first grader? Get over yourself.

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Player1x3 said:
God doesn't need you to ''worship'' him. God doesn't need anything from mankind...

And worship isn't necessary, but acknowledgment and adherence to his message is (IMO)

True, he doesn't need us at all. But he need us to obey him in order to save us from hell (given that we are aware of his existence and has been properly tested).

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
For me, I worship/pray to God because I appreciate all the things he has done to be. I.. I just do it you know. I think worshipping him is one way to express my gratitude to him. I worship at my own will.

Personally, I dont think it is REQUIRED to do so. But by just believing in God, not doing anything about it and just keep it at the back of your mind is kind of... not morally right.

I can understand that you and millions (well, I guess even billions) of others want to worship God out of appreciation. There is nothing wrong about that, and if you enjoy doing it I am happy for you. Just wanted to make that clear :)

As for your second paragraph, if God told me that he created the world I would highly appreciate it. Just like how I currently appreciate the work of Thomas Edison and other great inventors. But the thing is that God has not made it clear to me that he, in fact, did create the world. No science supports that he created the universe (though it's also true that science don't know how the universe was created), which gives me no compelling reason to believe that he did so.

And despite this lack of indications that God created the world he still demand that we all thank and worship him for creating it. I don't get that. If he don't want skewed opinions on him and his work he should make it clear once again (since we didn't live two thousand years ago when he supposedly sent his son to confirm it) that he is the creator. Asking us to set aside science and common sense (as in: demanding compelling evidence and the fact that a human being cannot be resurrected) is asking too much, in my opinion.


After all, you can choose not to believe in God's message even after compelling evidence of his existence has risen.

Yes there is an estimated 2.3 billion christrians in the world followed by Islam at 1.5 billion. 

Player1x3 said:
God doesn't need you to ''worship'' him. God doesn't need anything from mankind...

And worship isn't necessary, but acknowledgment and adherence to his message is (IMO)

True, he doesn't need us at all. But he need us to obey him in order to save us from hell (given that we are aware of his existence and has been properly tested).

We can save ourselves from heaven by adhering his messages, not by obeying and worshiping him and his deitic status

Player1x3 said:
Player1x3 said:
God doesn't need you to ''worship'' him. God doesn't need anything from mankind...

And worship isn't necessary, but acknowledgment and adherence to his message is (IMO)

True, he doesn't need us at all. But he need us to obey him in order to save us from hell (given that we are aware of his existence and has been properly tested).

We can save ourselves from heaven by adhering his messages, not by obeying and worshiping him and his deitic status

Well, as indicated by the fact that you ended your last post with "(IMO)", that is up for debate. But if that's what you believe, then that's great. I had a similar belief back when I was a Christian.

Player1x3 said:
Player1x3 said:
God doesn't need you to ''worship'' him. God doesn't need anything from mankind...

And worship isn't necessary, but acknowledgment and adherence to his message is (IMO)

True, he doesn't need us at all. But he need us to obey him in order to save us from hell (given that we are aware of his existence and has been properly tested).

We can save ourselves from heaven by adhering his messages, not by obeying and worshiping him and his deitic status

Well, as indicated by the fact that you ended your last post with "(IMO)", that is up for debate. But if that's what you believe, then that's great. I had a similar belief back when I was a Christian.

I don't consider myself a traditional christian. Im something of a deist-christian, as i follow only the actual messages said by Christ while my views on God are deistic.  I don't follow anything from the Old Testament, nor do i consider the Bible to be a complete God's word