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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: The PS Vita will sell under 20m units

I don't know how the gamecube sold just 21 million, but i think the vita can easily surpass that, it's still an infant system really. At least 50 million is likely, but i think it could reach PSP lifetime, which is 70 million now

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Vita hasn't even seen its first holiday(which should at least double the install base it currently has now..).
Let's save these predictions for later.

They could always introduce the Vita go model that will help push an extra 100,000 units.

JustThatGamer said:
Well at least wait for Sony's top 2 biggest IPs Gran Turismo & God of War and for a new GTA game to make their appearances before coming to such a pessimistic conclusion. I think the Vita will sell at least 50 million lifetime. It just needs an attractive price point and more compelling big and great games released, it's a shame Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Resistance : Burning Skies sucked so bad but hopefully with games like the great LittleBigPlanet Vita and the upcoming PASBR, Assassins Creed 3: Liberation, Killzone, Bioshock and Call of Duty (though this will 100% suck and be a flop) the Vita has a chance to be successful. Personally I will never buy a Vita even if another masterpiece in the God of War series releases on it, I'd borrow one to play it but I hate handheld gaming so nothing Sony do can make me part with my money.

There was absolutely nothing "sucky" about the Psvs uncharted game I think it has an attach rate of about 1 :4 and a metacritic score of 80% the game is absolutely beautiful... but then I read the second bolded part, you are really so biased against handheld gaming that you would avoid a game you would refer to as a masterpiece on? that is just mindboggling. You should never hate a game just because it's on a certain platform or has a certain control input it's just an unfair bias to hold against them, would be like if a game reviewer started by taking 50% off the final score of the next mario game because it's made by nintendo and another 30% off because it's on a portable before even turning on the game.

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I remember when people said this about PS3 lol

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kowenicki said:
AaronSOLDIER said:
I remember when people said this about PS3 lol

What's your prediction?

Whats YOUR prediction? NVM. We already know.

I myself think Vita was rushed to market in order to compete with the 3DS(which its failing to do at the moment). Sony should have launched it this holiday. That way they would have guaranteed to start off with a healthy install base so you sell.

Problem for the Vita is that a rocky start is way worse than a rocky finish. Developers pull plugs on games for Vita now and it's incredibly hard to turn this around. Without games nobody will buy the device and without install base no third party in their right mind will spend ressources on the device. Monster Hunter was a surprise hit for the PSP but this time, Sony needs to save their handheld themselves. I'm not sure they are capable of doing this. We are still at a point where it could go either way, but the bad ending is way more likely at this point.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

VicViper said:

So far, it's speculation those games will make Vita's hardware sales explode.

BTW... speaking of western game sales, the dreamcast had some number 1 games in NPD and several number 3 (since back then 3 was number 1 due to the ever present number 1 and 2 Pokémon Red and Blue - for more than 1 year). Crazy Taxi, NFL/NBA 2K, Sonic Adventure were all big hits. I know that because EGM posted sales charts back then) That too wasn't enough to save it.

Price cut is very necessary, imo. Believe it or not, I think it's coming this holiday.

I don't think Sony will cut Vita's price soon. They rely on the gaming division (among others) to put good results to help the whole Co., something shown with the prices of the new PS3. Given that some reports say that Sony is already losing money on each Vita while others say that it's making a very small profit, if they cut Vita's price they lose money on each unit, and that woud go against their goal.


Personally I think that it will reach those 20m and more. It's too early to call it a failure. That said, if after Christmas 2013 the situation hasn't improved, 3rd parties may start to stop supporting it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

AaronSOLDIER said:
I remember when people said this about PS3 lol

yeah! I remember when people said this about the Dreamcast Lo.... aww.... damn... you can't really tell what's going to happen in the future but you have to admit, the vita could have had a better start, a mixture of some fairly poor advertising to begin with and not shipping with features it had been advertised as having for months before launch, altho they are starting to come now a bit with the psone support.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

i like the system.. to a degree

but i don't think it will hit 20mil life tbh. i think it would be discontinued way before it has the chance to sell just 20mil in 10 years
at this moment i can't see it hitting much more then 15mil life HOWEVER.. IF and this is a BIG IF Sony do the right thing by a consumer stand point and cut the price of this thing in HALF and bring the storage down a lot it could have a very good run... but if sony don't do it very very soon it won't matter what the price is as developers won't make any games for it