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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - All these HARDCORE GAMERS like Fable Kinect, why don't you??

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D-Joe said:


This is a thread making fun of a stupid piece of PR put out for the game. If I actually posted this in that thread, I'd see that as actual trolling. 


If you guys can't handle jokes about horrible videogame PR, don't bother commenting. 

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z101 said:
Microsoft must be desperate ...

There is almost no interest in this game in the gaming world, and Microsoft knows for sure that this game could be a another major flop for kinect.

most kinect games sold good for what they are, games which only work if you own a 360 and kinect. sure there are games which sold horrible but the games people even know didn't sell so bad. but there are like 25 games i never heard about as kinect owner so yeah, no wonder those sold like nothing.

Unlocking the thread, now that the thread description has made it clear that this is bashing the advertisement, and not Kinect or the Product itself.

For now, of course. Let's keep things civil. And whoever locked the thread, please make a post next time...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Unlocking the thread, now that the thread description has made it clear that this is bashing the advertisement, and not Kinect or the Product itself.

For now, of course. Let's keep things civil. And whoever locked the thread, please make a post next time...

...I didn't modify this thread at all Khan. I just made another thread. here:

Shows you how stupid this lock was in the first place. 

im in the minority, but i actually like rail shooters, if the thing actually works it could be fun. Im not going to plop down money for a 360 and Kinect for it, not for a one rail shooter but for the people who are getting it i hope its good for their sakes

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Yep, that's how you prove how much in touch you are with gamers alright.


Just to clarify, this thread was originally locked because the tone of the thread seemed to imply that the game was being mocked, rather than the PR.

But now that you've created a new thread and are clear on your stance, we'll be locking this thead. Again.

Reason for lock: Duplicate Thread
