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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo should copy Sony

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Nintendo should

be more like Sony in gene... 35 19.55%
have at least one studio like Team Ico. 53 29.61%
not bother with the segment. 91 50.84%

Wow. Came in here expecting a Gaikai thread and got hit by this instead!

It's an interesting subject. Obviously, I'm biased, but I love Sony's first party for all the reasons you've mentioned. I find that a lot of their studios - for a long time now - have followed this sort of 'Cinematic game' mantra, which I really quite enjoy. There's an interview with Jason Rubin & Andy Gavin (co-founders of Naughty Dog) somewhere on youtube who mention that it was always their goal with that company to integrate a gameplay & cinematic experience together, which is something the company partially succeeded with Jak but got much closer with Uncharted.

And obviously, that extends further than just Naughty Dog. Like you mention, Gran Turismo (although not my type of game) has always been a sort of fully-immersive racing sim. Shadow of the Colossus pulls you into its world despite going for minimalism. Even stuff like God of War is incredibly cinematic, and I find that it is to hack & slash as Uncharted is to third-person shooters.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. To get back to your question in the OP - I'm not sure whether Nintendo should do it (and I'm not sure if they ever will), but it would certainly be very interesting to see. Nintendo are obviously very, very good at what they do - and they make sure what they put out is more polished to a fine tip. But a bit more diversity wouldn't hurt - trying something new wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea.

Idk really. I appreciate Sony for their diversity as much as I appreciate Nintendo for their skill at what they do. They've both made decisions I haven't liked this gen, and they could both stand to do things a little differently in my opinion.

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Fayceless said:

"games that are for kids" = entire argument is invalid.

No, really.  Games like Zelda and Metroid and Super Mario are not made for kids.  They are made for anyone who enjoys games.  If you write off any game (other than those obviously "early development"-type games) as "for kids" you are only limiting yourself as to what you can enjoy.  While I love SotC-type games and those with "mature" stories (lol-the term "mature" makes me laugh when applied to video games)... I still very much enjoy Nintendo's games like Pikmin and Mario and Pokemon.

As for whether or not Nintendo should copy Sony, why should they?  Sony is not the paragon of good business strategy.  Many people enjoy their games, but those games aren't keeping the company, nor the gaming department, in the black.  Nintendo doesn't particularly excel at that sort of story-telling, so they leave it up to second and third partied to make those sorts of games, and they are right to do so.  Nintendo does what it does best, and nobody does it better.

Totally agree with you..  As a 30 year old i see shooters as being made for college kids and think that Zelda and Mario are more mature in a way. In an attention span type of way.

Best thread on vgchartz.

The more entertainment the better for us gamers. But I don't agree with them copying Sony's marketing strategy.

WiiBox3 said:
The more entertainment the better for us gamers. But I don't agree with them copying Sony's marketing strategy.

I think "Can't afford Wii U? get second job lolz" would work perfectly

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Nintendo makes games for all ages (including kids) which is why you rarely see 'mature themed' games from them.
They did make one of the, if not the best, JRPG this gen with Xenoblade.

Anyway, while I do admit Sony makes some fabulous games (just none I'm interested in) until they can make some that sell double digit millions I suggest Nintendo keeps doing what it's doing. Although some new IPs from Nintendo is always appreciated.


Your post is confusing. I'm not sure what you mean by Nintendo copying Sony. In what way, specifically, should Nintendo copy Sony.

If you mean Nintendo should copy Sony and make excellent games, then I disagree. Nintendo already makes excellent games.

And even if Nintendo didn't already make quality games, and then later decided to make quality games, that wouldn't be an act of copying Sony. Making quality games isn't intrinsically associated with Sony. Plenty of companies make quality games. It's not just Sony. So, making quality games wouldn't mean they're copying Sony.

If of course that's what you mean when you say Nintendo should copy Sony. I'm not really sure the point you're trying to stress.

Jay520 said:
Your post is confusing. I'm not sure what you mean by Nintendo copying Sony. In what way, specifically, should Nintendo copy Sony.

If you mean Nintendo should copy Sony and make excellent games, then I disagree. Nintendo already makes excellent games.

And even if Nintendo didn't already make quality games, and then later decided to make quality games, that wouldn't be an act of copying Sony. Making quality games isn't intrinsically associated with Sony. Plenty of companies make quality games. It's not just Sony. So, making quality games wouldn't mean they're copying Sony.

If of course that's what you mean when you say Nintendo should copy Sony. I'm not really sure the point you're trying to stress.

You need to reread the OP. I'll give you pointers:

1) Above and beyond fantasy, to the point of surrealism. (read Team Ico)

2) The best games I've ever played (read quality vs classic).

3) Nintendo makes games more for kids. Read quality vs genre or taste/segment.

Then post again.

" Should at least one studio of Nintendo's go after this segment, my segment? Your thoughts"

What do you mean by this? What segment are you talking about?

Jay520 said:
" Should at least one studio of Nintendo's go after this segment, my segment? Your thoughts"

What do you mean by this? What segment are you talking about?

The segment that likes games like those mentioned in the 1st paragraph of OP. Games that are neither gore nor fantasy, but something of their own, cinematic like Kresnik put it, classic. There is nothing like GT,  nothing like UC, nothing like SotC, these are classics.

My hope is that Nintendo will notice that quality and dedicate one internal studio to that.