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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Hurry up and get this over with Heroes. Spare us the pleasantries and make it a quick kill.

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Well, shit. Really thought with how hes played, he was scum.


This is what happens when you never post and act ridiculously scummily. At least we haven't lost yet. Noc. You have to block the nightkill.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

The game is over, heroes have won.

DarkT was unknown Mafia Member, Lover, Godfather and Rolecop - his role was Hero of Heroes, human
FF was Mafia Lover - his role was Lovey-Dovey with Hero Character, human
Carl was Mafia Vanilla - his role was Ranged-DD, human

Noctis was the Evil Overlord Anchatun, a shadownspawn - he shared the following moveset with linkz:

engulfing shadows: jailkeeps a target
protecting shadows: protects from every town action taken against a target
subdueing shadows: a target player loses permanently the ability to vote and will not be able to use magic based spells at midnight (only non magic based spell was hatz investigation, the protection enabling and the status heal from mantle)
denying shadows: protects from every scum action taken against a target (this includes your other spells)

they would flip according to the last move they used during night


Smeags was Anti-SK - upgradable to Vig if he successfully kills the SK (his goal was defined as killing the Light to obtain vig powers), Rolaze, the Keeper of Darkness, a godlike being
HappyD was Corrupted-Human Vanilla
Trucks was shadowling from the tribe of shadow-puppeteers, a even-night protective role doctor, odd-night bulletbroof in exchange for his vote, and the protection enabler
Nen-Suer was shadowspawn Vanilla

I'll be back after training to hand out awards and accept shitstorm.


anything else has to be handed out by the respective team.

Was only wrong about Carl and Tabby.
Wanted to take the one i was sure off FF and DT until i settled on the overlord.

Oh well Trucks you ruined my plans yet again >_>
You guys suck >_

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Stefl you suck too :P

No wonder i had nightmares trying to make sense of the midnight action we had.

Shared powers.....screw you troll cat.

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Wow I thought tabaha was scum due to something stefl said in the dead thread but it seems I was right about everyone who was scum.

FF, Carl, DT, Noctis and Linkz. Crediit for Yoshiya's lynch goes to prof.



Fucking told you so!

Signature goes here!

Mantle was brilliant, had us all on his scumlist.