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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Huh? I got blue icon but no one quoted me...

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Vote : Carl2291

I have already said everything on this. Just lynch him already.

nen-suer said:

well i watched the first epsiode hat,  but since you died i guess i dont have to watch the secound one.

Still thats 22min of my life i'm jot getting back >_>

Vote: Yoshi

Any particular reasoning for voting yoshi?

I am sure you have one so basically I want to hear it.

mantlepiecek said:
nen-suer said:

well i watched the first epsiode hat,  but since you died i guess i dont have to watch the secound one.

Still thats 22min of my life i'm jot getting back >_>

Vote: Yoshi

Any particular reasoning for voting yoshi?

I am sure you have one so basically I want to hear it. 

Note that my vote is useless. I'm just showing where i stand.

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Vote mantlepiecek

Same reasons as before. This man is 3rd party and anti-Town. Either radishheads partner or something different. I wouldnt be surprised if he was a human-killing 3rd party. He thought Light was Town and Dark was Scum... He would have known otherwise if he was actually Town. Yada yada yada. So on and so forth. Youve all already read it.

The now dead flav-cop was also suspicious of his day 1 activity too, funnily enough.


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Carl2291 said:
Vote mantlepiecek

Same reasons as before. This man is 3rd party and anti-Town. Either radishheads partner or something different. I wouldnt be surprised if he was a human-killing 3rd party. He thought Light was Town and Dark was Scum... He would have known otherwise if he was actually Town. Yada yada yada. So on and so forth. Youve all already read it.

The now dead flav-cop was also suspicious of his day 1 activity too, funnily enough.


Third party lol.

Anti-town lol.

Like I said, the theory that I should have known everything as an uninformed majority compared to informed minority is laughable.

As you can see, mario made the same mistake as town. So yeah, keep trying harder.

Oh, and you are not corrupted human. I know this for a fact.

This could do with being re-posted.


Carl2291 said:
Firstly, I dont see what my reply to Smeags has anything to do with anything? He said the shadows belong to him and then quoted a crime lord. It sounds like he's revealing himself to be Godlike. Its why Ive suspected him to be Godlike all through the game.

Im actually glad you brought that up though, because I now have more proof that you're not pro-Town after re-reading around that.

Smeags is saying what I said could look bad, because its a quote that links to the LORD OF LIGHT in Game of Thrones. Hes agaisnt it. Hes saying flat out that he's DARK and you think he's claiming Mafia. Im 99.9% positive (especially now) that Town = Dark, yet multiple times in Day 1 you seemed to think the opposite.

Theres another bit of evidence against you. "First of all, I believe the bearers of light are actually townies and the bearers of shadow or darkness are mafia."

Why would you think that, mantle? Youve claimed corrupted Human also, havent you? Correct me if Im wrong.

Now that were all pretty confident that Light = Scum and Dark = Town... If you are indeed Town, you MUST have known that "The bearers of shadow or darkness" were Town. You simply must.

I noticed too, that you also refused to claim pro-Town for any possible lie detector.

I think youre anti-Town. I think youve wanted me gone ever since I mentioned the possibility of a cult-like 3rd party. Your lack of knowlege on Light/Dark to Scum/Town early on, just highlights everything. Youre detrimental to Town and you have my vote.

Vote mantle

Also, hatmozas suspicion for anyone interested -


Already replied to it carl.

Parroting nen and hat. Asking hat what his race was as a corrupted human, you are 100% scum. 100% mafia as well.

Your play during day 1, playing semi-confidently and lurking. Not participating much either. And then when you have suspicion on yourself, you are now pushing for me?

That's the definition of scum in my eyes. Trying to protect yourself from lynch but doing nothing else.

And then lets add the fact that you think I lied as a 3rd party to be a human; hilarious again.

You are doing a poor job at defending yourself by attacking me by using points other people had on me. Things like mario's "who is pro-town", hat's "pain human" and nen/trucks light dark theme.

Interesting that you think smeags is a godlike when he is 100% shadowspawn. How do I know? He felt suspicious of me when I said light = dark, and he felt it immediately.

Whereas you took your sweet time and didn't even provide any reason for why mario and me were scum.

You also didn't know your own suspicion on me. When I asked you why you were suspicious of me you didn't remember and said it had something to do with me claiming human. You then say that wasn't the case, you were suspicious because of the light/dark theme.

Sorry, you'r scum and you'r caught.