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Trucks, DT, HappyD, hat, Linkz ,prof, Mantle, Noc = I think are town (from most to least)
*process of elimination leave*
tabaha,Carl,Smeags, FF,yoshi

FF, Tab, Smeags : Offered minimum contribution and played it safe. Didn't make any obvious mistakes
In FF case he is usually more active day 2 when he's town not to mention he also always suspect me
of being scum (bad history between us) he only think I'm town when he's scum.

Carl: Plays like his usual self. don't see him as a priority target right now


was late to claim
claimed corrupted human
claimed vanilla when no one asked for his role just his character.
radish failed to kill him (still not sure if radish understood his role fully)
Wanted Zero dead.
Give me bad vibes.

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