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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Wii U will sell under 40 million units

This was a brutal bump. I love these as it gives you the mindset of everyone before I read these forums and only lurked for the charts.

It also shows how silly people are these days when they proclaim how stupid nintendo were and how they did everything wrong. Yet at the time it released nearly everyone thought they were doing everything right. We're all wise after the fact.

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Aerys said:
25 M at best if they released one Mario kart each year

16-17M in réality

Your predictions...Oh my gosh...

20m is the lowest it can sell...Not only in my opinion but also of the analysts opinion too...

And analysts have not ever been  generous with wii u...

Also is your comment excessively ironic?

tak13 said:
Aerys said:
25 M at best if they released one Mario kart each year

16-17M in réality

Your predictions...Oh my gosh...

20m is the lowest it can sell...Not only in my opinion but also of the analysts opinion too...

And analysts have not ever been  generous with wii u...

Also is your comment excessively ironic?

It's not going to sell 20 million or more. You are way off. Looking at the current trend and Ninty being pressured by stockholders to rush out a successor. 

reggin_bolas said:
tak13 said:

Your predictions...Oh my gosh...

20m is the lowest it can sell...Not only in my opinion but also of the analysts opinion too...

And analysts have not ever been  generous with wii u...

Also is your comment excessively ironic?

It's not going to sell 20 million or more. You are way off. Looking at the current trend and Ninty being pressured by stockholders to rush out a successor. 

Be very certain,sometimes isn't good!Are you in nintendo and you know that stockholders are pressuring nintendo?Iwata doesn't show that he is being pressured...

The successor will come in 2017 minimum...

There are many signs about that and there is a traditional 5 year LT for nintendo home 2017

someone said 30mil in Japan alone xD omg, this is just to good to be true!

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...
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tak13 said:
reggin_bolas said:

It's not going to sell 20 million or more. You are way off. Looking at the current trend and Ninty being pressured by stockholders to rush out a successor. 

Be very certain,sometimes isn't good!Are you in nintendo and you know that stockholders are pressuring nintendo?Iwata doesn't show that he is being pressured...

The successor will come in 2017 minimum...

There are many signs about that and there is a traditional 5 year LT for nintendo home 2017

Come on man.  By the time it's 4th xmas is over and pretty much every heavy hitter the system will have the Wii U will be lucky to be at 13m. I can't see where 
Another 7 million is going to come from. By the end of 2016 it might only be at 15m sold.  It has a chance but that's a very slim chance. 

Kerotan said:
tak13 said:

Be very certain,sometimes isn't good!Are you in nintendo and you know that stockholders are pressuring nintendo?Iwata doesn't show that he is being pressured...

The successor will come in 2017 minimum...

There are many signs about that and there is a traditional 5 year LT for nintendo home 2017

Come on man.  By the time it's 4th xmas is over and pretty much every heavy hitter the system will have the Wii U will be lucky to be at 13m. I can't see where 
Another 7 million is going to come from. By the end of 2016 it might only be at 15m sold.  It has a chance but that's a very slim chance. 

HAAAAA...See you kerotan...

Already things that you were saying in 2014 for wii u in 2015 are being refuted,be careful...

Also congratulations about the ps3 prediction  fiasco...;) I was completely right with what I said you to contradict your 100m prediction,goodbye...(Do you still believe it?If yeah,leave me believing wii u selling 20m at least,I have rationalize it very well many times...

P.s It isn't always about the games....PRICE....

Yey I didn't embarrass myself

tak13 said:
Kerotan said:

Come on man.  By the time it's 4th xmas is over and pretty much every heavy hitter the system will have the Wii U will be lucky to be at 13m. I can't see where 
Another 7 million is going to come from. By the end of 2016 it might only be at 15m sold.  It has a chance but that's a very slim chance. 

HAAAAA...See you kerotan...

Already things that you were saying in 2014 for wii u in 2015 are being refuted,be careful...

Also congratulations about the ps3 prediction  fiasco...;) I was completely right with what I said you to contradict your 100m prediction,goodbye...(Do you still believe it?If yeah,leave me believing wii u selling 20m at least,I have rationalize it very well many times...

P.s It isn't always about the games....PRICE....

Wow you just imagined I predicted ps3 would sell 100m.


And don't see things that doesn't exist...;)"


I think that quote is very relevant here!  You might wanna revise that claim ;)

Wii U wont prob see 20 million

PSN & XBOX GT : cutzman25