My prediction: It will sell less than the Wii but it will easily get pass 40 million
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My prediction: It will sell less than the Wii but it will easily get pass 40 million
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Stefan.De.Machtige said:
What general consensus? Where? Who? How can you have a general consensus when none of the new consoles are announced? No developer can even talk about it or any features before its announced - if they have the new console already. bolded: They have done that for most of the PC ports for multi platform games. When you play a pc version, you get a an optimized xbox version with high textures. If they do that at this point, why don't they object now? |
I read an article on Eurogamer some time ago, you'll find it if you search. Basically people were stating their thoughts on this matter, some features are unofficially know.
By the way my argument is based on the assumption that the new consoles from MS and SONY will be very powerful compared to wiiU (meaning at least x4). I think it's a safe bet, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for them to release a new product. But obviously I can't prove this now. If you don't believe it we can only wait and see ;)
The PC case is different. Most high budget titles sell a lot more on PS360 (especially if you consider revenue). This mean that they develop costly stuff on console and then port it on a more powerful platform. What you are suggesting instead is that they pick the stuff that is already under construction for the next generation hardware and dowgrade it to the present generation.
Should they use wiiU as a lead development platform in the future, like they do for PS360 now, that would mean that PC gamers are going to stay 7-14 years behind their hardware capabilities for the next 7 years. Not going to happen.
I'll just say that ALL 3 console manufacturers are going to find themselves in a pickle as they enter the "next generation". ALL of the growth is going on in the tablet and smart phone gaming market. Big-budget systems tethered to televisions are going to become just a small part of an overall market.
We ALL wanted it, now we ALL are finally going to get SHENMUE III !!! Let us REJOICE IN THE STREETS!!!
in the first 2 years!? maybe...
don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^
Im thinking it'll probably max out at 50 - 60 million, 40 million is a little low :/
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
To much of a difference? How powerfull do you think the other consoles will get? Sony is financially exhausted and Microsoft wants to consolidate their mediacenter dream with the next xbox. About the no scalability. Even the graphic pushers of EPIC GAMES say its scalable. |
- 360 started at 299, console that is today pushing multiplats out.
- sony wont spend 400 million developing another cell or will they introduce new disc format. Every rumor point out that. Highly aiming for 400 range.
How much exhausted? 380 million for gaikai, 2.2 billion for that music thing. They know their finances better than us.
- 350 for wiiu is rip off, probably thanks to gamepad. 1gb ram for games, 30gb storage, midrange gpu, 3 core cpu NOT worth 350. Even with gamepad, retailer margin, i believe N is making money on hardware. 100% next ps/xbox ll be much better in terms of hardware.
- scalable yes, but difference might be obvious for potential customers. Also initial sales of third party ll be very immportant.
- lineup is kinda overrated. Yes, good amount of third party is there(still many missing), playable on EVERY other platform!! Some exclusives not big at all.
Rayman? pikmin? baya? Rayman and zombi u ll get ported 99% to other platforms.
- online is still ?? Its there, thats all we know. Tvii ll be likely irrelevant in europe, australia etc.
- hype is imcomparable to wii back in 2006, whatever good or bad, every1 was talking about wii.
OT. I disagree. No way. It ll sell hot in japan. Other places? IMO not so but still good numbers. 60-100 million my bet.
We all saw what happend when N asked for "premium" price in past, while competition was priced similary.
Every generation sold more consoles so i think it ll continue that way.
man-bear-pig said:
He's basically saying that it will destroy your prediction considering it will sell about the number you predicted in Japan alone. And I agree with him. As someone else put it, for japan, this is like the most deadly "handheld" ever made.
My prediction for the WiiU is 150M.
i think this thing has a bigger lifespan then the original wii so I see it selling less in the first 4years then wii but more in the years to come..
so my prediction is
US 30-35mil.
Europe Others 25-30mil
Japan 10mil.
Tsubasa Ozora
Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.
SunofKratos said: What do i want to say. At this rate it is very difficult to give any prediction. Before the system not released and we can not see how much it sell in like to say the first year on the market and we dont knwo what the competition has to offer any prediction let it be in the low end or the high end is just stupid.Lets wait and drink tea before making such predictions. |
What you listed is exactly why we are making predictions now since there are limited informaiton avaiable and no clear picture is painted.
SunofKratos said: As you can see with the pS3. It was always the expensivst console of the market and yet it is the best selling home console yearly for the last three years. Thats also an fact. |
uh... no it's not a fact. The fact is PS3 is not the best selling home console for the last 3 years.
MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.
40 million end of 2013 is a bit much imo
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