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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Metascore Prediction League 2012 - *PAVOLINK IS THE WINNER!*

New update!

Dead or Alive 5 is now counted! It's at 75.
LittleBigPlanet Vita is now 87 instead of 88.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is now 83 instead of 84.

Around the Network

Dude when you are going update my Hitman score (82)? I made adjustments to my predictions way before the deadline and when you reminded me. Maybe I should have made another post to confirm I updated it.

Noooooo?! I lost a point

Rainbow Yoshi said:
Dude when you are going update my Hitman score (82)? I made adjustments to my predictions way before the deadline and when you reminded me. Maybe I should have made another post to confirm I updated it.

Right, I will!

Hell yeah!

Up eight places to #9!

Around the Network

Littlebigplanet Vita is back to 88!

Well shit son, I had forgotten about this. Re-tag!

RE6 reviews coming in.

CVG gave it 8, Edge and Eurogamer gave it a 6, Gamespot 4.5, Destructoid 3 (guess who).

Think we might have been off with our predictions on that one.


If things keep up like this, it looks like nobody is gonna get points for Resident Evil 6.

Signature goes here!

The lowest prediction for RE6 is 78, but apparently the metascore is not gonna even come close to that...