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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony will be unfairly called copycat again when PS4 arrives

Galaki said:

When tablet controller for PS4 is shown, the legion of Nintendo fanboys will scream ripoff. You can bet on that.

But it's unfair. It's isn't copying at all, the same way the the Move is to Wiimote.

They are different. They just look and feel the same.

What can Sony possibly do to make everyone happy?

your threads as always are jokes(like that)

sony(steal of nintendos youth )

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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What? It will have a Home button?

Isn't PSV the tablet controller for PS3?

PS3 is copying Nintendo before Nintendo gets its kit out. Now that's extreme unoriginality.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Ajescent said:
happydolphin said:

"What can Sony possibly do to make everyone happy?"
Try being original for a change. Microsoft saw the Wii, it didn't stop them from doing something different.


A very limited number of people are going to get this reference. 

binary solo said:
Isn't PSV the tablet controller for PS3?

PS3 is copying Nintendo before Nintendo gets its kit out. Now that's extreme unoriginality.

Nah, if anything, the PSV working with the PS3 is just a rip off of the GBA working with the Gamecube.  That's how Sony rolls.  They like to start off with a little minor copying to whet the pallette.  It's a bit of an apetizer before they get into the extreme copying.

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Pure sony fan here. Like are you serious, the move wasnt copying the wiimote!? Stop being childish, it was blatantly a rip-off. The thing about that is, motion controllers are not all that great for gaming. Once again if sony made a tablet controller yes it would be copying, but its not a big deal as long as they do it well. Honestly though dont act like its not copying because it obviously is.


We've argued this before but I think most of us understand that companies HAVE to use what works for their competition to stay competitive. If they didn't, only one brand of car would have a built in air conditioner because "Everybody else copied". Certain things become industry standards and it only makes sense to include them.

Touch screens, HDMI, Netflix, hard drives, motion controls, rumble, etc. Yeah, somebody had to incorporate these things first. That's how it works. We look at "copying" the wrong way. We just want our favorite company to have something the other companies don't.

Wow this will sure bring productive conversations.


Sony tends to take a product and produce an evolutionary improvement on it ...

SNES > Playstation > PS2 > PS3
Gameboy Advance > PSP > PS-Vita

With the PS4 the question is which product will Sony use as the base that needs to be improved upon. The PS3, XBox 360 with Kinect , Wii, and Wii U represent different strategies and Sony could try to produce a better version of any of them. One of the biggest risks for Sony is if they try to produce better versions of all of them for their next generation system which would result in a system which comes with an advanced version of the Playstation Eye, Move controllers, and a touch screen and retails for $600.


kljesta64 said:

your threads as always are jokes(like that)

sony(steal of nintendos youth )

What are you talking about? This is serious business. No jokes. Just like gaming. It's serious business (expect when it's Nintendo, who always rely on fun).

As someone mentioned in this thread, Nintendo copied Sony's Home button and nobody give Nintendo hell for copying. It's unfair.