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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware + Software up! Week Ending Aug. 18th! - New Super Darksiders 2!

Conegamer said:
Out of curiosity, what are people's 3DS predictions for next week? I reckon near 300k, certainly above 250k...

I would say 270k, since we already know japan sales dropped 35k and europe will drop at least 10k. Leaving it at around 190k with NA at 30k. So 80k boost with 3DS XL?

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spurgeonryan said:
DieAppleDie said:
Nintendo played very well his cards

they have been playing their cards wellas of late. lets see if they can keep it up.





why do you think so high?

3DSXL? NSMB2 launch? 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

spurgeonryan said:
Conegamer said:

3DSXL? NSMB2 launch? 




How do you feel about how America has picked up The Last Story? Good sales in your opinion?

About as expected, perhaps a touch lower. I certainly wasn't expecting greatness from it though, perhaps 500k WW LT.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

spurgeonryan said:
I guess basically what I am saying is what are the chances of Pandora's tower hitting America now? In your secret writers opinion.

I don't see why you can't just quote...but almost certain. However, I'm surprised we haven't heard anything from it yet, so that worries me slightly. But I still think a 90-95% chance it'll come over.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Farsala said:
Conegamer said:
Out of curiosity, what are people's 3DS predictions for next week? I reckon near 300k, certainly above 250k...

I would say 270k, since we already know japan sales dropped 35k and europe will drop at least 10k. Leaving it at around 190k with NA at 30k. So 80k boost with 3DS XL?

Looks like we were both wrong, still double the ps3.

Around the Network

Read it and weep the PS3's numbers will win out over Xbox whether this biased site keeps 'adjusting' up Xbox numbers or not. Stay buttmad xbots.

Permabanned ~Barozi


permabanned just for that? O_o

Heavenly_King said:
permabanned just for that? O_o

No why don't you just read the ban reason ? ... or his 10 posts.

PS3 flat compared to last week... and Vita dropped a lot... ohhhhhhh wait... August 18?