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Forums - General Discussion - Are you a Forum snob?

This thread is insulting to lurkers. I am a lurker. What is exactly wrong with it?? I usually don't post my opinion because most of the time it would be very involved and so very boring for many people to read. Moreover, I only post when I believe I have an actual contribution to a thread as opposed to filler that reiterates another point of view.

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spurgeonryan said:
Turkish said:
I'm addicted to Gaf, at first it was all confusing but then my mind was programmed for the fast moving threads and the user activity. I can easily post more than 30 comments a day there eventough I only frequent 2 threads: Vitagaf and animegaf. Ive been off Gaf for a couple days and back on Chartz now and kind of disappointed by the activity of the hot topics .

That is because gaf is not interested in content. This site seems to be. I have had the same situation with other sites. But after the day is done and I search through the 400 posts I have discovered that most of them are little one liners or "First post" second post"100th post", etc. To be honest I am not even sure what the mods on those sites moderate and they never answer PM's or anything else.



Threads move really fast there and I like it, kinda disappointed it isnt the same here, I remember it was different years ago. The forum was more active and weekly sales numbers generated a lot of comments. I dont like how the new sales thing had to be changed during the last holidays wich ultimatly delayed the sales numbers in the most important time of the year, I believe it was somewhere around november.


Oh yeah another difference is that for example, the thread is about a Vita title, on Gaf they would talke about the game, on chartz I often see the thread gets derailed by people that start talking about Vitas sales numbers and how its bad business decision. Last month I made a thread about Sony's game business making a profit last year and the usual suspects writed it off as "its last year so is old newz" eventough they were fresh newly released numbers.

spurgeonryan said:
TheLivingShadow said:

This thread is insulting to lurkers. I am a lurker. What is exactly wrong with it?? I usually don't post my opinion because most of the time it would be very involved and so very boring for many people to read. Moreover, I only post when I believe I have an actual contribution to a thread as opposed to filler that reiterates another point of view.

What is wrong with lurking? Do you not know? I am not saying spam it up, but come on Mr. Shadow. This is a forum. The whole point is to post and debate, and what not. How interesting would a forum be if no one post like a lurker? Every thread would have one or two posts and that would be it. The site would be bankrupt. There is nothing interesting about a thread with no posts or human connection in them. The reason people make threads is not just so they can be read. It is so they can be discussed.


Maybe I am totally wrong? I do not know. I am not a business man or marketing expert or anything else. Just my opinion sir.

Your argument works if the forums are very slow. To me, they're not really slow, at least not the sections I would comment on anyways.

I lurked for a year before joining.

Yes. Im sick of you posting shit threads, point whoring.


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Why would I be afraid? Or hot around the collar?

Its not posting tons of threads that Im pointing out. It seems whenever Im online on this site, I see at least one shitty voting thread of yours on the front page. Nsanity doesnt have shitty voting threads all over the front page.

Ive told you this, numerous times. Im going to keep telling you it, because its annoying and I can. Its like youre trying, desperately to be the new Seece... With your own parasitic little touch.

I dont need to pm you to be a snob.


RolStoppable said:
pezus said:
Having a little vote never hurt anyone...jesus, carl!

Pfff, my fantastic NFL prediction league is about to start and spurge hasn't even posted in my thread yet. Clearly, he is only interested in points whoring with his own voting threads, but doesn't care about the things that other people do.

Well spotted Rol. Selfish whores are the worst kinds of whore.


Tis a lovely site to lurk within.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

If you think that was bad mouthing and flaming, you obviously didnt see what I said to jarrod.

Untwist your knickers, sweety. Rol, Seece, Monty and Khuutra are some of the best posters and contributers this site has ever had, despite each having flaws. Youre nothing in comparison.


I'm such a snob snot comes out of my snot.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."