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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Conference Thread - WII U = 11/18 - $299.99 ($349.99 Premium)! MoHun 3 Ultimate coming in March!!! :D Bayonetta 2 Wii U exclusive!!

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Is your body ready!? Have you purchased your hype train tix yet!?

Hell the fuck Yeah!!! 256 72.73%
I'm still skeptical... 92 26.14%
wfz said:
VicViper said:
Five hundred and ninety nine US dolllars

It's Wave Racer! Waaaaaaaaaaaaave Racer!

Oh... dear lord... It scares me because I can envision it. xD


That's still one of my favorite press conferences ever...

Lol, indeed. 

Sony's 2006 E3 press conference was great comedy.  Whereas Nintendo's 2012 E3 press conference just made me cry.  :(

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JGarret said:
Michael-5 said:

I bet you, like the Gamecube and the Wii before it, only one or two good games will release at launch, and most games will release withing the next 1.5 years. So I expect Fall 2013 to be the year of the Wii U.

Hopeing for something good from Retro Studio's

It makes a lot of sense, and it´s in Nintendo´s interest, that the Wii U has a superb Fall 2013, if only to try and steal some of the next Xbox/PS4 thunder.

Retro is definitely the one to watch.

My thoughts exactly, and not only will Wii U still be getting 360/PS3 games in their most complete versions, but also some great next gen exclusives from other developers.

I hope Nintendo is funding a mainstream new IP by Retro, 2013 would be a perfect time to get thunder. Competition is weak, Retro is well known among the hardcore gamers, and Wii U needs a new IP, something to attract the more hardcore PS360 fans.

Regardless 2013 will be the year we know if the majority of the hardcore accept the Wii U or not. I hope Nintendo manages to push out the software and get some significant 3rd party support. CoD is key.

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Six hours, what?

Has to be a type, or some sort of misunderstanding, or the most epic day of my short life is about to come forth.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Yay!!! 22 days -_-. Just tell us already so I can decide if I want it or not.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

archbrix said:
wfz said:
VicViper said:
Five hundred and ninety nine US dolllars

It's Wave Racer! Waaaaaaaaaaaaave Racer!

Oh... dear lord... It scares me because I can envision it. xD


That's still one of my favorite press conferences ever...

Lol, indeed. 

Sony's 2006 E3 press conference was great comedy.  Whereas Nintendo's 2012 E3 press conference just made me cry.  :(

On the flipside, Nintendo's E3 was phenomenal that year.  The Smash unveiling nuked the internet, I'll never forget that reaction.

Around the Network

My body is not ready for the awesomeness that I am expecting!

Mr Khan said:
Six hours, what?

Has to be a type, or some sort of misunderstanding, or the most epic day of my short life is about to come forth.

Most likely an hour conference with five hours to go hands-on.  But I'm pretty hyped and six hours sounds great.

Kenology said:
archbrix said:
wfz said:
VicViper said:
Five hundred and ninety nine US dolllars

It's Wave Racer! Waaaaaaaaaaaaave Racer!

Oh... dear lord... It scares me because I can envision it. xD


That's still one of my favorite press conferences ever...

Lol, indeed. 

Sony's 2006 E3 press conference was great comedy.  Whereas Nintendo's 2012 E3 press conference just made me cry.  :(

On the flipside, Nintendo's E3 was phenomenal that year.  The Smash unveiling nuked the internet, I'll never forget that reaction.

Undoubtedly.  Nintendo's 2006 E3 was their best ever, and the press conference was right there with 2004's.

And as much as I rag on their 2012 press conference, it still had its moments.  Pikmin 3, ZombiU and Lego City Undercover were all high points of the conference.  The only Nintendo E3 conference that was truly flat-out BAD was 2008.  Cammie Dunaway and Wii Music... blech!

Kenology said:

Looks Like We’ll Know the Wii U’s American Launch Date and Price by September 13

Nintendo is holding a major Wii U press event in New York City on September 13, hosted by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. An invitation sent to select media outlets today promised a day that will let us learn "more about how the Wii U will change the future of gaming and entertainment."

Sure, that's what they say, but let's read between the lines, shall we?

The last time Nintendo did a Reggie-hosted event in New York City, it was an all-day event that had him taking the stage to reveal the launch date and price of the 3DS. Launch-window games were there for reporters to play, but which games were coming out on launch date were still to be announced. The event was held in January, 2011 and the system came out in America in March 2011.

The time before that that Nintendo did one of these Reggie-NYC things? It was a big Wii launch showcase. It was the first place I played Wii Sports bowling and essentially the crossing-the-T's-dotting-the-I's event for that system's U.S. launch.

So, barring some strange change in behavior, Nintendo is likely to tell the world on September 13 when the Wii U will come out in America, how much it will cost and maybe even which games we'll play on launch day. They're not saying that, but that's what history tell us.

I am extremely excited for the WiiU, but not for this presentation, bar the raw info we'll get from it. I hate Reggie, and I've developed an incurable reaction to statements like bold.

I'm fucking sick of this guy's grand claims, just show us the awesome already and stfu. I hate his PR, its lame.

@Poll. Reggie makes me skeptical, the WiiU does not. The thing could sell itself to me in a heartbeat. Just a little beauty that thing is I am so hyped. Now Nintendo bring on the AAA or I will hurt a kitten.

Earlier than I expected by 4 days...

Bring the heat

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."